help: ts('If you are using this profile as a contact signup or edit form, and want to redirect the user to a static URL if they click the Cancel button - enter the complete URL here. If this field is left blank, the built-in Profile form will be redisplayed.'),
type: 'Text'
+ 'cancel_button_text': {
+ title: ts('Cancel Button Text'),
+ help: ts('Text to display on the cancel button when used in create or edit mode'),
+ type: 'Text'
+ },
+ 'submit_button_text': {
+ title: ts('Submit Button Text'),
+ help: ts('Text to display on the submit button when used in create or edit mode'),
+ type: 'Text'
+ },
'created_date': {
//title: ts(''),
type: 'Text'// FIXME