$params['name'] = $name . $suffix;
+ $loggedInContactID = CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID();
+ if ($loggedInContactID) {
+ if (empty($params['id'])) {
+ $params['created_id'] = $loggedInContactID;
+ }
+ $params['modified_id'] = $loggedInContactID;
+ }
return self::writeRecord($params);
switch ($op) {
case 'BETWEEN':
- list($formValues[$fieldName . '_from'], $formValues[$fieldName . '_to']) = $value;
+ [$formValues[$fieldName . '_from'], $formValues[$fieldName . '_to']] = $value;
case '>=':
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Contact/SavedSearch.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:165072ec4f0aa9a3002222c544b3047c)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:6a33a7d434232c0d9796934dcb29edf8)
public $api_params;
+ /**
+ * FK to contact table.
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ public $created_id;
+ /**
+ * FK to contact table.
+ *
+ * @var int
+ */
+ public $modified_id;
+ /**
+ * Optional date after which the search is not needed
+ *
+ * @var timestamp
+ */
+ public $expires_date;
* Class constructor.
if (!isset(Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links'])) {
Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links'] = static::createReferenceColumns(__CLASS__);
Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links'][] = new CRM_Core_Reference_Basic(self::getTableName(), 'mapping_id', 'civicrm_mapping', 'id');
+ Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links'][] = new CRM_Core_Reference_Basic(self::getTableName(), 'created_id', 'civicrm_contact', 'id');
+ Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links'][] = new CRM_Core_Reference_Basic(self::getTableName(), 'modified_id', 'civicrm_contact', 'id');
CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::invoke(__CLASS__, 'links_callback', Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links']);
return Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['links'];
'serialize' => self::SERIALIZE_JSON,
'add' => '5.24',
+ 'created_id' => [
+ 'name' => 'created_id',
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
+ 'title' => ts('Created By Contact ID'),
+ 'description' => ts('FK to contact table.'),
+ 'where' => 'civicrm_saved_search.created_id',
+ 'table_name' => 'civicrm_saved_search',
+ 'entity' => 'SavedSearch',
+ 'bao' => 'CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch',
+ 'localizable' => 0,
+ 'FKClassName' => 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact',
+ 'html' => [
+ 'label' => ts("Created By"),
+ ],
+ 'add' => '5.36',
+ ],
+ 'modified_id' => [
+ 'name' => 'modified_id',
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
+ 'title' => ts('Modified By Contact ID'),
+ 'description' => ts('FK to contact table.'),
+ 'where' => 'civicrm_saved_search.modified_id',
+ 'table_name' => 'civicrm_saved_search',
+ 'entity' => 'SavedSearch',
+ 'bao' => 'CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch',
+ 'localizable' => 0,
+ 'FKClassName' => 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact',
+ 'html' => [
+ 'label' => ts("Modified By"),
+ ],
+ 'add' => '5.36',
+ ],
+ 'expires_date' => [
+ 'name' => 'expires_date',
+ 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_TIMESTAMP,
+ 'title' => ts('Search Expiry Date'),
+ 'description' => ts('Optional date after which the search is not needed'),
+ 'required' => FALSE,
+ 'where' => 'civicrm_saved_search.expires_date',
+ 'table_name' => 'civicrm_saved_search',
+ 'entity' => 'SavedSearch',
+ 'bao' => 'CRM_Contact_BAO_SavedSearch',
+ 'localizable' => 0,
+ 'add' => '5.36',
+ ],
CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::invoke(__CLASS__, 'fields_callback', Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['fields']);
* (change the x in the function name):
- // /**
- // * Upgrade function.
- // *
- // * @param string $rev
- // */
- // public function upgrade_5_0_x($rev) {
- // $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', [1 => $rev]), 'runSql', $rev);
- // $this->addTask('Do the foo change', 'taskFoo', ...);
- // // Additional tasks here...
- // // Note: do not use ts() in the addTask description because it adds unnecessary strings to transifex.
- // // The above is an exception because 'Upgrade DB to %1: SQL' is generic & reusable.
- // }
+ /**
+ * Upgrade function.
+ *
+ * @param string $rev
+ */
+ public function upgrade_5_36_alpha1(string $rev): void {
+ $this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', [1 => $rev]), 'runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('core-issue#2422 - Add created_id to civicrm_saved_search', 'addColumn',
+ 'civicrm_saved_search', 'created_id', "int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'FK to contact table.'");
+ $this->addTask('core-issue#2422 - Add modified_id to civicrm_saved_search', 'addColumn',
+ 'civicrm_saved_search', 'modified_id', "int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'FK to contact table.'");
+ $this->addTask('core-issue#2422 - Add expires_date to civicrm_saved_search', 'addColumn',
+ 'civicrm_saved_search', 'expires_date', "timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Optional date after which the search is not needed'");
+ $this->addTask('core-issue#2422 - Add constraints to civicrm_saved_search', 'taskAddConstraints');
- // public static function taskFoo(CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx, ...) {
- // return TRUE;
- // }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param \CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function taskAddConstraints(CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx): bool {
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("
+ ALTER TABLE `civicrm_saved_search`
+ ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_civicrm_saved_search_created_id`
+ FOREIGN KEY (`created_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_contact` (`id`)
+ ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_civicrm_saved_search_modified_id`
+ FOREIGN KEY (`modified_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_contact` (`id`)
+ ");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
* The goal of this function is to test that all required tables are returned.
- public function testGetCidRefs() {
+ public function testGetCidRefs(): void {
$sortRefs = function($a) {
foreach ($a as &$fields) {
'civicrm_print_label' => [
0 => 'created_id',
+ 'civicrm_saved_search' => ['created_id', 'modified_id'],
'civicrm_relationship' => [
0 => 'contact_id_a',
1 => 'contact_id_b',
// I created a smart group using the CiviCRM gui. The smart group contains
// all contacts tagged with 'company'.
// I got the params below from the database.
- $url = CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL . "/civicrm/contact/search/advanced?reset=1";
- $serialized_url = serialize($url);
// params for saved search that returns all volunteers for the
// default organization.
$this->params = [
+ 'expires_date' => '2021-08-08',
'form_values' => [
// Is volunteer for
'relation_type_id' => '6_a_b',
* Create a saved search, and see whether the returned values make sense.
public function testCreateSavedSearch() {
- // Act:
+ $contactID = $this->createLoggedInUser();
$result = $this->callAPIAndDocument(
- $this->_entity, 'create', $this->params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
+ $this->_entity, 'create', $this->params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__)['values'];
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($result));
+ $savedSearch = reset($result);
- // Assert:
- // getAndCheck fails, I think because form_values is an array.
- //$this->getAndCheck($this->params, $result['id'], $this->_entity);
- // Check whether the new ID is correctly returned by the API.
- $this->assertNotNull($result['values'][$result['id']]['id']);
+ $this->assertEquals($contactID, $savedSearch['created_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals($contactID, $savedSearch['modified_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals('20210808000000', $savedSearch['expires_date']);
+ $this->assertNotNull($savedSearch['id']);
// Check whether the relation type ID is correctly returned.
- $result['values'][$result['id']]['form_values']['relation_type_id']);
+ $savedSearch['form_values']['relation_type_id']);
+ <field>
+ <name>created_id</name>
+ <type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Created By Contact ID</title>
+ <comment>FK to contact table.</comment>
+ <html>
+ <label>Created By</label>
+ </html>
+ <add>5.36</add>
+ </field>
+ <foreignKey>
+ <name>created_id</name>
+ <table>civicrm_contact</table>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <add>5.36</add>
+ <onDelete>SET NULL</onDelete>
+ </foreignKey>
+ <field>
+ <name>modified_id</name>
+ <type>int unsigned</type>
+ <title>Modified By Contact ID</title>
+ <comment>FK to contact table.</comment>
+ <html>
+ <label>Modified By</label>
+ </html>
+ <add>5.36</add>
+ </field>
+ <foreignKey>
+ <name>modified_id</name>
+ <table>civicrm_contact</table>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <add>5.36</add>
+ <onDelete>SET NULL</onDelete>
+ </foreignKey>
+ <field>
+ <name>expires_date</name>
+ <type>timestamp</type>
+ <title>Search Expiry Date</title>
+ <required>false</required>
+ <comment>Optional date after which the search is not needed</comment>
+ <add>5.36</add>
+ </field>