return array(self::STATUS_OK, $data);
+ /**
+ * Send an HTTP POST for a remote resource
+ *
+ * @param string $remoteFile URL of a .zip file
+ * @param string $localFile path at which to store the .zip file
+ * @return array array(0 => STATUS_OK|STATUS_DL_ERROR, 1 => string)
+ */
+ public function post($remoteFile, $params) {
+ // Download extension zip file ...
+ if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
+ //CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Cannot install this extension - curl is not installed!');
+ return array(self::STATUS_DL_ERROR, NULL);
+ }
+ list($ch, $caConfig) = $this->createCurl($remoteFile);
+ if (preg_match('/^https:/', $remoteFile) && !$caConfig->isEnableSSL()) {
+ //CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Cannot install this extension - does not support SSL');
+ return array(self::STATUS_DL_ERROR, NULL);
+ }
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,count($params));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params);
+ $data = curl_exec($ch);
+ if (curl_errno($ch)) {
+ return array(self::STATUS_DL_ERROR . $data);
+ }
+ else {
+ curl_close($ch);
+ }
+ return array(self::STATUS_OK, $data);
+ }
* @param string $remoteFile
* @return array (0 => resource, 1 => CA_Config_Curl)
--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | CiviCRM version 4.3 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2013 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
+ | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
+ | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+ | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+ | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
+ | |
+ | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
+ | License along with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
+ | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
+ | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
+ | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+require_once 'CiviTest/CiviSeleniumTestCase.php';
+class WebTest_Utils_RestTest extends CiviSeleniumTestCase {
+ protected $url;
+ protected $api_key;
+ protected $session_id;
+ protected $nocms_contact_id;
+ protected function assertAPIEquals($apiResult, $cmpvar, $prefix = '') {
+ if (!empty($prefix)) {
+ $prefix .= ': ';
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($cmpvar, $apiResult['is_error'], $prefix . (empty($apiResult['error_message']) ? '' : $apiResult['error_message']));
+ }
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ //URL should eventually be adapted for multisite
+ $this->url = "{$this->settings->sandboxURL}/{$this->sboxPath}sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/rest.php";
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ $params = array(
+ "q" => "civicrm/login",
+ "key" => $this->settings->sitekey,
+ "json" => "1",
+ "name" => $this->settings->adminUsername,
+ "pass" => $this->settings->adminPassword
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 0);
+ $this->api_key = $result["api_key"];
+ $this->session_id = $result["PHPSESSID"];
+ if(!isset($this->api_key)){
+ $this->markTestSkipped('Admin does not have an associated API key');
+ }
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ parent::tearDown();
+ if(isset($this->nocms_contact_id)){
+ $deleteParams = array(
+ "id" => $this->nocms_contact_id,
+ "skip_undelete" => 1
+ );
+ $res = $this->webtest_civicrm_api("Contact", "delete", $deleteParams);
+ unset($this->nocms_contact_id);
+ }
+ }
+ function testValidLoginCMSUser() {
+ if (property_exists($this->settings, 'sitekey') && !empty($this->settings->sitekey)){
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ $params = array(
+ "q" => "civicrm/login",
+ "key" => $this->settings->sitekey,
+ "json" => "1",
+ "name" => $this->settings->adminUsername,
+ "pass" => $this->settings->adminPassword
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertNotNull($result);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ function testInvalidPasswordLogin() {
+ if (property_exists($this->settings, 'sitekey') && !empty($this->settings->sitekey)){
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ $badPassword = $this->settings->adminPassword . "badpass";
+ $params = array(
+ "q" => "civicrm/login",
+ "key" => $this->settings->sitekey,
+ "json" => "1",
+ "name" => $this->settings->adminUsername,
+ "pass" => $badPassword
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertNotNull($result);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function testValidCallSiteKey() {
+ if (property_exists($this->settings, 'sitekey') && !empty($this->settings->sitekey)){
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ $params = array(
+ "entity" => "Contact",
+ "action" => "get",
+ "key" => $this->settings->sitekey,
+ "json" => "1",
+ "api_key" => $this->api_key
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertNotNull($result);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ function testValidCallPHPSessionID() {
+ if (property_exists($this->settings, 'sitekey') && !empty($this->settings->sitekey)){
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ $params = array(
+ "entity" => "Contact",
+ "action" => "get",
+ "json" => "1",
+ "PHPSESSID" => $this->session_id,
+ "api_key" => $this->api_key,
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertNotNull($result);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ function testInvalidAPIKey() {
+ if (property_exists($this->settings, 'sitekey') && !empty($this->settings->sitekey)){
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ $params = array(
+ "entity" => "Contact",
+ "action" => "get",
+ "key" => $this->settings->sitekey,
+ "json" => "1",
+ "api_key" => "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabadasdasd"
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertNotNull($result);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function testNotCMSUser() {
+ if (property_exists($this->settings, 'sitekey') && !empty($this->settings->sitekey)){
+ $client = CRM_Utils_HttpClient::singleton();
+ //Create contact with api_key
+ $test_key = "testing1234";
+ $contactParams = array(
+ "api_key" => $test_key,
+ "contact_type" => "Individual",
+ "first_name" => "RestTester1"
+ );
+ $contact = $this->webtest_civicrm_api("Contact", "create", $contactParams);
+ $this->nocms_contact_id = $contact["id"];
+ $params = array(
+ "entity" => "Contact",
+ "action" => "get",
+ "key" => $this->settings->sitekey,
+ "json" => "1",
+ "api_key" => $test_key
+ );
+ list($status, $data) = $client->post($this->url, $params);
+ $this->assertEquals(CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK, $status);
+ $result = json_decode($data, TRUE);
+ $this->assertNotNull($result);
+ $this->assertAPIEquals($result, 1);
+ }
+ }