This is a longstanding error rather than a regression - but it hard failes when
Smarty3 is enabled. Smarty3 is a pretty good tool for finding issues when testing
the rc it turns out (highlights variable errors in smarty)
so I'm fixing in the rc so as not to be blocked on using smarty with the rc
function warnDiscountDel( ) {
if ( ! document.getElementsByName('is_discount')[0].checked ) {
- CRM.alert('{/literal}{ts escape="js"}If you uncheck "Discounts by Signup Date" and Save this form, any existing discount sets will be deleted.{/ts} {ts escape="js"}This action cannot be undone.{/ts} {ts escape="js"}If this is NOT what you want to do, you can check "Discounts by Signup Date" again.{/ts}', '{ts escape="js}Warning{/ts}{literal}', 'alert', {expires: 0});
+ CRM.alert('{/literal}{ts escape="js"}If you uncheck "Discounts by Signup Date" and Save this form, any existing discount sets will be deleted.{/ts} {ts escape="js"}This action cannot be undone.{/ts} {ts escape="js"}If this is NOT what you want to do, you can check "Discounts by Signup Date" again.{/ts}', '{ts escape="js"}Warning{/ts}{literal}', 'alert', {expires: 0});