protected $repos;
+ /**
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ protected $useGencode = FALSE;
+ /**
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ protected $useSetup = FALSE;
* @var array, non-hyphenated arguments after the basedir
return $this->returnError("unrecognized action: {$this->action}\n");
+ if ($this->useSetup) {
+ $this->run('core', $this->civiRoot . '/bin', 'bash', 'setup.sh');
+ }
+ elseif ($this->useGencode) {
+ $this->run('core', $this->civiRoot . '/xml', 'php', 'GenCode.php');
+ }
elseif ($arg == '--dry-run' || $arg == '-n') {
$this->dryRun = TRUE;
+ elseif ($arg == '--gencode') {
+ $this->useGencode = TRUE;
+ }
+ elseif ($arg == '--setup') {
+ $this->useSetup = TRUE;
+ }
elseif (preg_match('/^--d([678])/', $arg, $matches)) {
$this->drupalVersion = $matches[1];
echo " --fetch: Fetch the latest code before creating, updating, or checking-out anything\n";
echo " --repos=X: Restrict operations to the listed repos (comma-delimited list) (default: all)";
echo " --root=X: Specify CiviCRM root directory (default: .)\n";
+ echo " --gencode: Run xml/GenCode after checking out code\n";
+ echo " --setup: Run bin/setup.sh (incl xml/GenCode) after checking out code\n";
echo "Special options:\n";
echo " --core=X: Specify the branch to use on the core repository\n";
echo " --packages=X: Specify the branch to use on the packages repository\n";