protected $invoiceID;
+ /**
+ * Provide support for extensions that are used to being able to retrieve _lineItem
+ *
+ * Note extension should call getPriceSetID() and getLineItems() directly.
+ * They are supported for external use per the api annotation.
+ *
+ * @param string $name
+ *
+ * @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection
+ */
+ public function __get($name) {
+ if ($name === '_params') {
+ CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning('attempt to access undefined property _params - use externally supported function getSubmittedValues()');
+ return $this->getSubmittedValues();
+ }
+ CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning('attempt to access invalid property :' . $name);
+ }
* Get the unique invoice ID.
if ($this->_isPaidEvent) {
[$lineItem, $params] = $this->preparePaidEventProcessing($params);
- // @todo - params is unused - remove in favour of __get
- // but there is another parameter we need to fix first.
- $this->_params = $params;
// @todo - stop assigning these - pass financial_trxnId in token context
// and swap template to use tokens.
$this->assign('credit_card_type', $this->getSubmittedValue('credit_card_type'));