+ /**
+ * Test searching on custom fields with less than or equal.
+ *
+ * See CRM-17101.
+ */
+ public function testEventGetCustomFieldLte() {
+ // create custom group with custom field on event
+ $ids = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
+ // Create an event, with a custom value.
+ $params = $this->_params;
+ $params['title'] = "My test event.";
+ $params['start_date'] = "2015-03-14";
+ // Just assume that an event type 1 exists.
+ $params['event_type_id'] = 1;
+ $params['custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id']] = "AAAA";
+ $save_result = $this->callApiSuccess($this->_entity, 'create', $params);
+ // Retrieve the activity, search for custom field < 'BBBB'
+ $get_result = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array(
+ 'return.custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'] => 1,
+ 'custom_' . $ids['custom_field_id'] => array('<=' => 'BBBB'),
+ ));
+ // Expect that we find the saved event.
+ $this->assertArrayKeyExists($save_result['id'], $get_result['values']);
+ $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'Delete', array('id' => $save_result['id']));
+ }
* Test searching on custom fields with netsted call with id param.