g = {}
db = RainbowDB()
cmdset = [
+ 'switch',
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
name = '@' + t.account.verify_credentials()['screen_name']
+ g['original_name'] = name[1:]
g['decorated_name'] = grey('[') + grey(name) + grey(']: ')
+def switch():
+ """
+ Switch stream
+ """
+ try:
+ target = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ # Public stream
+ if target == 'public':
+ keyword = g['stuff'].split()[1]
+ if keyword[0] == '#':
+ keyword = keyword[1:]
+ # Kill old process
+ os.kill(g['stream_pid'], signal.SIGKILL)
+ args = parse_arguments()
+ args.track_keywords = keyword
+ # Start new process
+ p = Process(
+ target=stream,
+ args=(
+ args))
+ p.start()
+ g['stream_pid'] = p.pid
+ # Personal stream
+ elif target == 'mine':
+ # Kill old process
+ os.kill(g['stream_pid'], signal.SIGKILL)
+ args = parse_arguments()
+ # Start new process
+ p = Process(
+ target=stream,
+ args=(
+ args,
+ g['original_name']))
+ p.start()
+ g['stream_pid'] = p.pid
+ printNicely(green('stream switched.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ g['prefix'] = False
def home():
screen_name = t.users.lookup(user_id=i)[0]['screen_name']
user = cycle_color('@' + screen_name)
print(user, end=' ')
- printNicely('');
+ printNicely('')
def follower():
screen_name = t.users.lookup(user_id=i)[0]['screen_name']
user = cycle_color('@' + screen_name)
print(user, end=' ')
- printNicely('');
+ printNicely('')
def help():
usage = '''
Hi boss! I'm ready to serve you right now!
- "home" will show your timeline. "home 7" will show 7 tweet.
- "view @bob" will show your friend @bob's home.
- "t oops" will tweet "oops" immediately.
- "rt 12345" will retweet to tweet with id "12345".
- "rep 12345 oops" will reply "oops" to tweet with id "12345".
- "del 12345" will delete tweet with id "12345".
- "s #AKB48" will search for "AKB48" and return 5 newest tweet.
- "fr" will list out your following people.
- "fl" will list out your followers.
- "h" will show this help again.
- "c" will clear the terminal.
- "q" will exit.
+ You are already see your personal stream:
+ "switch public #AKB" will switch to public stream and follow "AKB" keyword.
+ "switch mine" will switch back to your personal stream.
+ For more action:
+ "home" will show your timeline. "home 7" will show 7 tweet.
+ "view @bob" will show your friend @bob's home.
+ "t oops" will tweet "oops" immediately.
+ "rt 12345" will retweet to tweet with id "12345".
+ "rep 12345 oops" will reply "oops" to tweet with id "12345".
+ "del 12345" will delete tweet with id "12345".
+ "s #AKB48" will search for "AKB48" and return 5 newest tweet.
+ "fr" will list out your following people.
+ "fl" will list out your followers.
+ "h" will show this help again.
+ "c" will clear the terminal.
+ "q" will exit.
Have fun and hang tight!
return dict(zip(
+ switch,
def listen():
+ """
+ Listen to user's input
+ """
first = True
while True:
first = False
-def stream():
+def stream(domain, args, name='Rainbow Stream'):
Track the stream
- args = parse_arguments()
# The Logo
- ascii_art()
+ art_dict = {
+ USER_DOMAIN: name,
+ PUBLIC_DOMAIN: args.track_keywords,
+ SITE_DOMAIN: 'Site Stream',
+ }
+ ascii_art(art_dict[domain])
# These arguments are optional:
stream_args = dict(
# Get stream
stream = TwitterStream(
- domain=DOMAIN,
+ domain=domain,
- tweet_iter = stream.user(**query_args)
- # Iterate over the sample stream.
+ if domain == USER_DOMAIN:
+ tweet_iter = stream.user(**query_args)
+ elif domain == SITE_DOMAIN:
+ tweet_iter = stream.site(**query_args)
+ else:
+ if args.track_keywords:
+ tweet_iter = stream.statuses.filter(**query_args)
+ else:
+ tweet_iter = stream.statuses.sample()
+ # Iterate over the stream.
for tweet in tweet_iter:
if tweet is None:
printNicely("-- None --")
Main function
+ # Spawn stream process
+ args = parse_arguments()
+ p = Process(target=stream, args=(USER_DOMAIN, args, g['original_name']))
+ p.start()
+ # Start listen process
g['prefix'] = True
g['reset'] = True
- p = Process(target=stream)
- p.start()
g['stream_pid'] = p.pid