db = RainbowDB()
g = {}
def init_cycle():
Init the cycle
colors_shuffle = [globals()[i.encode('utf8')]
- if not i.startswith('term_')
- else term_color(int(i[5:]))
- for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']]
+ if not i.startswith('term_')
+ else term_color(int(i[5:]))
+ for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']]
return itertools.cycle(colors_shuffle)
g['cyc'] = init_cycle()
g['cache'] = {}
Print a string with ordered color with each character
colors_shuffle = [globals()[i.encode('utf8')]
- if not i.startswith('term_')
- else term_color(int(i[5:]))
- for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']]
+ if not i.startswith('term_')
+ else term_color(int(i[5:]))
+ for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']]
colored = [colors_shuffle[i % 7](s[i]) for i in xrange(len(s))]
return ''.join(colored)
Print a string with random color with each character
colors_shuffle = [globals()[i.encode('utf8')]
- if not i.startswith('term_')
- else term_color(int(i[5:]))
- for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']]
+ if not i.startswith('term_')
+ else term_color(int(i[5:]))
+ for i in c['CYCLE_COLOR']]
colored = [random.choice(colors_shuffle)(i) for i in s]
return ''.join(colored)
for line in rel:
ary = line.split(' ')
ary = lmap(lambda x: color_func(c['CAL']['today'])(x)
- if x == today
- else color_func(c['CAL']['days'])(x)
- , ary)
+ if x == today
+ else color_func(c['CAL']['days'])(x), ary)
printNicely(' '.join(ary))
config = os.environ.get(
- '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json'
+ '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json'
- config = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset/'+c['theme']+'.json'
+ config = os.path.dirname(
+ __file__) + '/colorset/' + c['theme'] + '.json'
# Load new config
data = load_config(config)
if data:
for g in group:
# Format
- name = g['name']
+ name = g['full_name']
name = color_func(c['GROUP']['name'])(name + ' : ')
member = str(g['member_count'])
- member = color_func(c['GROUP']['member'])(member+' member')
+ member = color_func(c['GROUP']['member'])(member + ' member')
subscriber = str(g['subscriber_count'])
- subscriber = color_func(c['GROUP']['subscriber'])(subscriber+' subscriber')
+ subscriber = color_func(
+ c['GROUP']['subscriber'])(
+ subscriber +
+ ' subscriber')
description = g['description'].strip()
description = color_func(c['GROUP']['description'])(description)
mode = g['mode']
- mode = color_func(c['GROUP']['mode'])('Type: '+mode)
+ mode = color_func(c['GROUP']['mode'])('Type: ' + mode)
created_at = g['created_at']
date = parser.parse(created_at)
date = date - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
clock = date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
clock = 'Created at ' + color_func(c['GROUP']['clock'])(clock)
- # Save to db
- db.list_store(g['id'],g['name'])
# Create lines
- line1 = ' '*2 + name + member + ' ' + subscriber
- line2 = ' '*4 + description
- line3 = ' '*4 + mode
- line4 = ' '*4 + clock
+ line1 = ' ' * 2 + name + member + ' ' + subscriber
+ line2 = ' ' * 4 + description
+ line3 = ' ' * 4 + mode
+ line4 = ' ' * 4 + clock
# Display
g['decorated_name'] = color_func(c['DECORATED_NAME'])('[' + name + ']: ')
g['ascii_art'] = True
- files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/colorset')
+ files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset')
themes = [f.split('.')[0] for f in files if f.split('.')[-1] == 'json']
themes += ['custom']
g['themes'] = themes
extra = raw_input(quote)
if extra:
- t.statuses.update(status=quote+extra)
+ t.statuses.update(status=quote + extra)
printNicely(light_magenta('No text added.'))
tid = db.rainbow_to_tweet_query(g['stuff'])[0].tweet_id
tweet = t.statuses.show(id=tid)
- link_ary = [u for u in tweet['text'].split() if u.startswith('http://')]
+ link_ary = [
+ u for u in tweet['text'].split() if u.startswith('http://')]
if not link_ary:
printNicely(light_magenta('No url here @.@!'))
printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' ' + d[target] + '.')
for name in rel:
user = ' ' + cycle_color(name)
- user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
+ user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' people.')
for name in rel:
user = ' ' + cycle_color(name)
- user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
+ user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
def show_lists(t):
- list list
+ List list
rel = t.lists.list(screen_name=g['original_name'])
if rel:
# Get list name
list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
- if not list_name:
- printNicely(light_magenta('No list specified.'))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
- # Print timeline
- l = db.list_name_to_id_query(list_name)[0]
res = t.lists.statuses(
- list_id = l.list_id,
- count = c['LIST_MAX'],
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner,
+ count=c['LIST_MAX'],
for tweet in res:
# Get list name
list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
- if not list_name:
- printNicely(light_magenta('No list specified.'))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
- # Members
- l = db.list_name_to_id_query(list_name)[0]
+ # Get members
rel = {}
next_cursor = -1
- while next_cursor != 0 :
+ while next_cursor != 0:
m = t.lists.members(
- list_id = l.list_id,
- cursor = next_cursor,
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner,
+ cursor=next_cursor,
for u in m['users']:
rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name']
printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' members.')
for name in rel:
user = ' ' + cycle_color(name)
- user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
+ user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
# Get list name
list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
- if not list_name:
- printNicely(light_magenta('No list specified.'))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
- # Subscribers
- l = db.list_name_to_id_query(list_name)[0]
+ # Get subscribers
rel = {}
next_cursor = -1
- while next_cursor != 0 :
+ while next_cursor != 0:
m = t.lists.subscribers(
- list_id = l.list_id,
- cursor = next_cursor,
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner,
+ cursor=next_cursor,
for u in m['users']:
rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name']
printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' subscribers.')
for name in rel:
user = ' ' + cycle_color(name)
- user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
+ user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
+def list_add(t):
+ """
+ Add specific user to a list
+ """
+ # Get list name
+ list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
+ return
+ # Add
+ user_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me name of the newbie: '))
+ if user_name.startswith('@'):
+ user_name = user_name[1:]
+ try:
+ t.lists.members.create(
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner,
+ screen_name=user_name)
+ printNicely(light_green('Added.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('I\'m sorry we can not add him/her.'))
def list_remove(t):
Remove specific user from a list
# Get list name
list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
- if not list_name:
- printNicely(light_magenta('No list specified.'))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
# Remove
- l = db.list_name_to_id_query(list_name)[0]
- user_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the name of unlucky man: '))
+ user_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me name of the unlucky one: '))
+ if user_name.startswith('@'):
+ user_name = user_name[1:]
- list_id = l.list_id,
- screen_name = user_name)
- printNicely(light_green('Okay he\'s gone :)'))
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner,
+ screen_name=user_name)
+ printNicely(light_green('Gone.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('I\'m sorry we can not remove him/her.'))
+def list_subscribe(t):
+ """
+ Subscribe to a list
+ """
+ # Get list name
+ list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
+ return
+ # Subscribe
+ try:
+ t.lists.subscribers.create(
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner)
+ printNicely(light_green('Done.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(
+ light_magenta('I\'m sorry you can not subscribe to this list.'))
+def list_unsubscribe(t):
+ """
+ Unsubscribe a list
+ """
+ # Get list name
+ list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name: '))
+ # Get list name and owner
+ try:
+ owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
+ if slug.startswith('@'):
+ slug = slug[1:]
+ except:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('Please follow "@owner/list_name" format.'))
+ return
+ # Subscribe
+ try:
+ t.lists.subscribers.destroy(
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=owner)
+ printNicely(light_green('Done.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(
+ light_magenta('I\'m sorry you can not unsubscribe to this list.'))
+def list_own(t):
+ """
+ List own
+ """
+ rel = []
+ next_cursor = -1
+ while next_cursor != 0:
+ res = t.lists.ownerships(
+ screen_name=g['original_name'],
+ cursor=next_cursor)
+ rel += res['lists']
+ next_cursor = res['next_cursor']
+ if rel:
+ print_list(rel)
+ else:
+ printNicely(light_magenta('You own no lists :)'))
+def list_new(t):
+ """
+ Create a new list
+ """
+ name = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s name: '))
+ mode = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s mode (public/private): '))
+ description = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s description: '))
+ try:
+ t.lists.create(
+ name=name,
+ mode=mode,
+ description=description)
+ printNicely(light_green(name + ' list is created.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
+def list_update(t):
+ """
+ Update a list
+ """
+ slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to update: '))
+ name = raw_input(light_magenta('Update name (leave blank to unchange): '))
+ mode = raw_input(light_magenta('Update mode (public/private): '))
+ description = raw_input(light_magenta('Update description: '))
+ try:
+ if name:
+ t.lists.update(
+ slug='-'.join(slug.split()),
+ owner_screen_name=g['original_name'],
+ name=name,
+ mode=mode,
+ description=description)
+ else:
+ t.lists.update(
+ slug=slug,
+ owner_screen_name=g['original_name'],
+ mode=mode,
+ description=description)
+ printNicely(light_green(slug + ' list is updated.'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print e
+ printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
+def list_delete(t):
+ """
+ Delete a list
+ """
+ slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to update: '))
+ try:
+ t.lists.destroy(
+ slug='-'.join(slug.split()),
+ owner_screen_name=g['original_name'])
+ printNicely(light_green(slug + ' list is deleted.'))
- printNicely(light_magenta('I\'m sorry we can not remove him.'))
+ printNicely(red('Oops something is wrong with Twitter :('))
def list():
- # Sub function
+ # Sub-function
action_ary = {
'home': list_home,
'all_mem': list_members,
'all_sub': list_subscribers,
+ 'add': list_add,
'rm': list_remove,
+ 'sub': list_subscribe,
+ 'unsub': list_unsubscribe,
+ 'own': list_own,
+ 'new': list_new,
+ 'update': list_update,
+ 'del': list_delete,
return action_ary[g['list_action']](t)
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
+ print e
printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
custom_path = os.environ.get(
- '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json'
+ '')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json'
if not os.path.exists(custom_path):
- line += light_magenta(' (create your own config file at ~/.rainbow_config.json)')
+ line += light_magenta(
+ ' (create your own config file at ~/.rainbow_config.json)')
line += light_magenta(' (loaded)')
line += light_magenta(theme)
- if c['theme'] == theme :
- line = ' '*2 + light_yellow('* ') + line
+ if c['theme'] == theme:
+ line = ' ' * 2 + light_yellow('* ') + line
- line = ' '*4 + line
+ line = ' ' * 4 + line
elif g['stuff'] == 'current_as_default':
# Set default
path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset/init'
- f = open(path,'w')
+ f = open(path, 'w')
os.system('chmod 777 ' + path)
# Load new config
if g['stuff'] != 'custom':
- new_config = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset/' + g['stuff'] + '.json'
+ new_config = os.path.dirname(
+ __file__) + '/colorset/' + g['stuff'] + '.json'
new_config = os.environ.get(
- 'HOME',os.environ.get(
+ 'HOME', os.environ.get(
'')) + os.sep + '.rainbow_config.json'
new_config = load_config(new_config)
' will show list\'s all members.\n'
usage += s * 2 + light_green('list all_sub') + \
' will show list\'s all subscribers.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list add') + \
+ ' will add specific person to a list owned by you.' + \
+ ' You will be asked for list\'s name and person\'s name.\n'
usage += s * 2 + light_green('list rm') + \
' will remove specific person from a list owned by you.' + \
' You will be asked for list\'s name and person\'s name.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list sub') + \
+ ' will subscribe you to a specific list.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list unsub') + \
+ ' will unsubscribe you from a specific list.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list own') + \
+ ' will show all list owned by you.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list new') + \
+ ' will create a new list.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list update') + \
+ ' will update a list owned by you.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('list del') + \
+ ' will delete a list owned by you.\n'
# Show help
d = {
- 'discover' : help_discover,
- 'tweets' : help_tweets,
- 'messages' : help_messages,
- 'friends_and_followers' : help_friends_and_followers,
- 'list' : help_list,
- 'stream' : help_stream,
+ 'discover': help_discover,
+ 'tweets': help_tweets,
+ 'messages': help_messages,
+ 'friends_and_followers': help_friends_and_followers,
+ 'list': help_list,
+ 'stream': help_stream,
if g['stuff']:
['@'], # block
['@'], # unblock
['@'], # report
- ['home','all_mem','all_sub','rm'], # list
+ [
+ 'home',
+ 'all_mem',
+ 'all_sub',
+ 'add',
+ 'rm',
+ 'sub',
+ 'unsub',
+ 'own',
+ 'new',
+ 'update',
+ 'del'
+ ], # list
[], # cal
g['themes'] + ['current_as_default'], # theme
- ['discover','tweets','messages','friends_and_followers','list','stream'], # help
+ [
+ 'discover',
+ 'tweets',
+ 'messages',
+ 'friends_and_followers',
+ 'list',
+ 'stream'
+ ], # help
[], # clear
[], # quit
p = Process(