return (int) implode('_', array_keys($priceSet['fields'][$priceFieldID]['options']));
- /**
- * Initiate price set such that various non-BAO things are set on the form.
- *
- * This function is not really a BAO function so the location is misleading.
- *
- * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
- * Form entity id.
- * @param string $entityTable
- * @param bool $doNotIncludeExpiredFields
- * @param int $priceSetId
- * Price Set ID
- *
- * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
- * @deprecated in CiviCRM 5.58, will be removed around CiviCRM 5.70.
- */
- public static function initSet(&$form, $entityTable = 'civicrm_event', $doNotIncludeExpiredFields = FALSE, $priceSetId = NULL) {
- CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedFunctionWarning('no alternative');
- // get price info
- if ($priceSetId) {
- if ($form->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) {
- $entityId = $entity = NULL;
- switch ($entityTable) {
- case 'civicrm_event':
- $entity = 'participant';
- if (in_array(CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form), ['CRM_Event_Form_Participant', 'CRM_Event_Form_Task_Register'])) {
- $entityId = $form->_id;
- }
- else {
- $entityId = $form->_participantId;
- }
- break;
- case 'civicrm_contribution_page':
- case 'civicrm_contribution':
- $entity = 'contribution';
- $entityId = $form->_id;
- break;
- }
- if ($entityId && $entity) {
- $form->_values['line_items'] = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($entityId, $entity);
- }
- $required = FALSE;
- }
- else {
- $required = TRUE;
- }
- $form->_priceSetId = $priceSetId;
- $priceSet = self::getSetDetail($priceSetId, $required, $doNotIncludeExpiredFields);
- $form->_priceSet = $priceSet[$priceSetId] ?? NULL;
- $form->_values['fee'] = $form->_priceSet['fields'] ?? NULL;
- //get the price set fields participant count.
- if ($entityTable === 'civicrm_event') {
- //get option count info.
- $form->_priceSet['optionsCountTotal'] = self::getPricesetCount($priceSetId);
- if ($form->_priceSet['optionsCountTotal']) {
- $optionsCountDetails = [];
- if (!empty($form->_priceSet['fields'])) {
- foreach ($form->_priceSet['fields'] as $field) {
- foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
- $count = $option['count'] ?? 0;
- $optionsCountDetails['fields'][$field['id']]['options'][$option['id']] = $count;
- }
- }
- }
- $form->_priceSet['optionsCountDetails'] = $optionsCountDetails;
- }
- //get option max value info.
- $optionsMaxValueTotal = 0;
- $optionsMaxValueDetails = [];
- if (!empty($form->_priceSet['fields'])) {
- foreach ($form->_priceSet['fields'] as $field) {
- foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
- $maxVal = $option['max_value'] ?? 0;
- $optionsMaxValueDetails['fields'][$field['id']]['options'][$option['id']] = $maxVal;
- $optionsMaxValueTotal += $maxVal;
- }
- }
- }
- $form->_priceSet['optionsMaxValueTotal'] = $optionsMaxValueTotal;
- if ($optionsMaxValueTotal) {
- $form->_priceSet['optionsMaxValueDetails'] = $optionsMaxValueDetails;
- }
- }
- $form->set('priceSetId', $form->_priceSetId);
- $form->set('priceSet', $form->_priceSet);
- }
- }
* Get line item purchase information.