- /**
- * Billing mode button is basically synonymous with paypal express - this is probably a good example of 'odds & sods' code we
- * need to find a way for the payment processor to assign. A tricky aspect is that the payment processor may need to set the order
- *
- * @param $form
- */
- protected static function addPaypalExpressCode(&$form) {
- if (empty($form->isBackOffice)) {
- if (in_array(CRM_Utils_Array::value('billing_mode', $form->_paymentProcessor), array(2, 3))) {
- $form->_expressButtonName = $form->getButtonName('upload', 'express');
- $form->assign('expressButtonName', $form->_expressButtonName);
- $form->add('image',
- $form->_expressButtonName,
- $form->_paymentProcessor['url_button'],
- array('class' => 'crm-form-submit')
- );
- }
- }
- }
* Validate the payment instrument values before passing it to the payment processor
* We want this to be overrideable by the payment processor, and default to using
* Billing mode button is basically synonymous with paypal express - this is probably a good example of 'odds & sods' code we
* need to find a way for the payment processor to assign. A tricky aspect is that the payment processor may need to set the order
- * @param $form
+ * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
protected function addPaypalExpressCode(&$form) {
if (empty($form->isBackOffice)) {