if (!$this->errors) {
global $installType, $installURLPath;
+ $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15";
+ $commonOutputMessage = "
+ <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='$registerSiteURL' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>
+ <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE. This allows a user to upload images. All uploaded images are public.</li>
$output = NULL;
if (
$installType == 'drupal' &&
$drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base();
$drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/people/permissions";
$drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1";
- $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15";
$output .= "<li>Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a target='_blank' href={$drupalPermissionsURL}>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'>learn more...</a>)</li>
<li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"$drupalURL\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>
- <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='$registerSiteURL' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>
- <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE, which enables user to upload images. Note that all the images uploaded using KCFinder will be public.</li>";
+ {$commonOutputMessage}";
// automatically enable CiviCRM module once it is installed successfully.
// so we need to Bootstrap Drupal, so that we can call drupal hooks.
$drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base();
$drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/user/permissions";
$drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1";
- $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15";
$output .= "<li>Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a target='_blank' href={$drupalPermissionsURL}>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'>learn more...</a>)</li>
<li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"$drupalURL\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>
- <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='$registerSiteURL' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>
- <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE, which enables user to upload images. Note that all the images uploaded using KCFinder will be public.</li>";
+ {$commonOutputMessage}";
// explicitly setting error reporting, since we cannot handle drupal related notices
$cmsURL = civicrm_cms_base();
$cmsURL .= "wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1";
- $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15";
- echo "<li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"$cmsURL\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>
- <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='$registerSiteURL' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>
- <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE, which enables user to upload images. Note that all the images uploaded using KCFinder will be public.</li>";
- echo '</ul>';
- echo '</div>';
- }
- }
+ $wpPermissionsURL = "wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/admin/access/wp-permissions&reset=1";
+ $output .= "
+ <li>WordPress user permissions have been automatically set - giving Aanonymous and Subscribers access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a target='_blank' href={$wpPermissionsURL}>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'>learn more...</a>)</li>
+ <li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"$cmsURL\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>
+ {$commonOutputMessage}
+ echo '</ul>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
return $this->errors;