* @param \Civi\Core\Event\PostEvent $event
public static function on_hook_civicrm_post(\Civi\Core\Event\PostEvent $event) {
- // When an entity is deleted, delete the corresponding Managed record
+ // When an entity is deleted by the user, nullify 'entity_id' from corresponding Managed record
+ // This tells the ManagedEntity system that the entity was manually deleted,
+ // and should be recreated at the discretion of the `update` policy.
if ($event->action === 'delete' && $event->id && self::isApi4ManagedType($event->entity)) {
- \Civi\Api4\Managed::delete(FALSE)
+ \Civi\Api4\Managed::update(FALSE)
->addWhere('entity_type', '=', $event->entity)
->addWhere('entity_id', '=', $event->id)
+ ->addValue('entity_id', NULL)
// When an entity is updated, update the timestamp in corresponding Managed record
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Core/Managed.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:43846305220f9d67d37b9a1f910ad085)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:4ff1b19106d4bc7810d4aa9eb2a73f65)
public $entity_type;
- * Foreign key to the referenced item.
+ * Soft foreign key to the referenced item.
- * @var int|string
+ * @var int|string|null
* (SQL type: int unsigned)
* Note that values will be retrieved from the database as a string.
'name' => 'entity_id',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
'title' => ts('Entity ID'),
- 'description' => ts('Foreign key to the referenced item.'),
- 'required' => TRUE,
+ 'description' => ts('Soft foreign key to the referenced item.'),
'usage' => [
'import' => FALSE,
'export' => FALSE,
- * Create a new entity.
+ * Create a new entity (if policy allows).
* @param array $item
* Entity specification (per hook_civicrm_managedEntities).
protected function insertNewEntity(array $item) {
+ // If entity has previously been created, only re-insert if 'update' policy is 'always'
+ // NOTE: $item[id] is the id of the `civicrm_managed` row not the entity itself
+ // If that id exists, then we know the entity was inserted previously and subsequently deleted.
+ if (!empty($item['id']) && $item['update'] !== 'always') {
+ return;
+ }
$params = $item['params'];
// APIv4
if ($params['version'] == 4) {
$dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_Managed();
+ // If re-inserting the entity, we'll update instead of create the managed record.
+ $dao->id = $item['id'] ?? NULL;
$dao->module = $item['module'];
$dao->name = $item['name'];
$dao->entity_type = $item['entity_type'];
$plan = [];
foreach ($managedEntities as $managedEntity) {
$key = "{$managedEntity['module']}_{$managedEntity['name']}_{$managedEntity['entity_type']}";
- // Set to disable or delete if module is disabled or missing - it will be overwritten below module is active.
+ // Set to disable or delete if module is disabled or missing - it will be overwritten below if module is active.
$action = $this->isModuleDisabled($managedEntity['module']) ? 'disable' : 'delete';
$plan[$key] = array_merge($managedEntity, ['managed_action' => $action]);
foreach ($declarations as $declaration) {
$key = "{$declaration['module']}_{$declaration['name']}_{$declaration['entity']}";
- if (isset($plan[$key])) {
- $plan[$key]['params'] = $declaration['params'];
- $plan[$key]['managed_action'] = 'update';
- $plan[$key]['cleanup'] = $declaration['cleanup'] ?? NULL;
- $plan[$key]['update'] = $declaration['update'] ?? 'always';
- }
- else {
- $plan[$key] = [
- 'module' => $declaration['module'],
- 'name' => $declaration['name'],
- 'entity_type' => $declaration['entity'],
- 'managed_action' => 'create',
- 'params' => $declaration['params'],
- 'cleanup' => $declaration['cleanup'] ?? NULL,
- 'update' => $declaration['update'] ?? 'always',
- ];
- }
+ // Set action to update if already managed
+ $plan[$key]['managed_action'] = empty($plan[$key]['entity_id']) ? 'create' : 'update';
+ $plan[$key]['module'] = $declaration['module'];
+ $plan[$key]['name'] = $declaration['name'];
+ $plan[$key]['entity_type'] = $declaration['entity'];
+ $plan[$key]['params'] = $declaration['params'];
+ $plan[$key]['cleanup'] = $declaration['cleanup'] ?? NULL;
+ $plan[$key]['update'] = $declaration['update'] ?? 'always';
return $plan;
$this->addTask('Update Tag.name field', 'alterColumn', 'civicrm_tag', 'name', "varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique machine name'");
$this->addTask('Update Tag.created_date field', 'alterColumn', 'civicrm_tag', 'created_date', "datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Date and time that tag was created.'");
$this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', [1 => $rev]), 'runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask('Update civicrm_managed.entity_id', 'alterColumn', 'civicrm_managed', 'entity_id', "int unsigned COMMENT 'Soft foreign key to the referenced item.'");
$this->addTask('Update civicrm_managed.module', 'alterColumn', 'civicrm_managed', 'module', "varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the module which declared this object (soft FK to civicrm_extension.full_name)'");
$this->addTask('Update civicrm_managed.name', 'alterColumn', 'civicrm_managed', 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Symbolic name used by the module to identify the object'");
$this->addTask('Update civicrm_managed.cleanup', 'alterColumn', 'civicrm_managed', 'cleanup', "varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'always' COMMENT 'Policy on when to cleanup entity (always, never, unused)'");
$this->_managedEntities[] = [
- // Setting module to 'civicrm' works for the test but not sure we should actually support that
- // as it's probably better to package stuff in a core extension instead of core itself.
'module' => 'civicrm',
'name' => 'testSavedSearch',
'entity' => 'SavedSearch',
$this->assertCount(0, $search);
// Restore managed entity
- $this->_managedEntities = [];
- $this->_managedEntities[] = $autoUpdateSearch;
+ $this->_managedEntities = [$autoUpdateSearch];
// Entity should be restored
// Update packaged version
$autoUpdateSearch['params']['values']['description'] = 'New packaged state';
- $this->_managedEntities = [];
- $this->_managedEntities[] = $autoUpdateSearch;
+ $this->_managedEntities = [$autoUpdateSearch];
// Because the entity was not modified, it will be updated to match the new packaged version
// Update packaged version
$autoUpdateSearch['params']['values']['description'] = 'Newer packaged state';
- $this->_managedEntities = [];
- $this->_managedEntities[] = $autoUpdateSearch;
+ $this->_managedEntities = [$autoUpdateSearch];
// Because the entity was modified, it will not be updated
$this->assertEquals('civicrm', $search['base_module']);
// local_modified_date should be reset by the revert action
+ // Delete by user
+ SavedSearch::delete(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', 'TestAutoUpdateSavedSearch')
+ ->execute();
+ CRM_Core_ManagedEntities::singleton(TRUE)->reconcile();
+ // Because update policy is 'unmodified' the search won't be re-created
+ $search = SavedSearch::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', 'TestAutoUpdateSavedSearch')
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(0, $search);
+ // But the managed record is still hanging around with a null entity_id
+ $managed = Managed::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', 'testAutoUpdate')
+ ->addWhere('module', '=', 'civicrm')
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $managed);
+ $this->assertNull($managed[0]['entity_id']);
+ $managedId = $managed[0]['id'];
+ // Change update policy to 'always'
+ $autoUpdateSearch['update'] = 'always';
+ $this->_managedEntities = [$autoUpdateSearch];
+ CRM_Core_ManagedEntities::singleton(TRUE)->reconcile();
+ // Because update policy is 'always' the search will be re-created
+ $search = SavedSearch::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', 'TestAutoUpdateSavedSearch')
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $search);
+ // But the managed record is still hanging around with a null id
+ $managed = Managed::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', 'testAutoUpdate')
+ ->addWhere('module', '=', 'civicrm')
+ ->execute();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $managed);
+ $this->assertEquals($search[0]['id'], $managed[0]['entity_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals($managedId, $managed[0]['id']);
- * Tests a scenario where a record may already exist and we want to make it a managed entity.@dataProvider
+ * Tests a scenario where a record may already exist and we want to make it a managed entity.
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
<title>Entity ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
- <required>true</required>
- <comment>Foreign key to the referenced item.</comment>
+ <comment>Soft foreign key to the referenced item.</comment>