+ /**
+ * Makes an array of the batch's summary and returns array to parent getBatchSummary() function.
+ *
+ * @param $batchID
+ * @param $params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
public static function makeBatchSummary($batchID, $params) {
$batchInfo = CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch::retrieve($params, $value);
$batchTotals = CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch::batchTotals(array($batchID));
$batchSummary = array(
'created_by' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($batchInfo->created_id),
- 'status' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch', 'batch_status_id', $batchInfo->status_id),
+ 'status' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch', 'status_id', $batchInfo->status_id),
'description' => $batchInfo->description,
'payment_instrument' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Batch_BAO_Batch', 'payment_instrument_id', $batchInfo->payment_instrument_id),
'item_count' => $batchInfo->item_count,
require_once 'CiviTest/CiviUnitTestCase.php';
+ * Test for CRM_Financial_Page_Ajax class.
+ */
class CRM_Financial_Page_AjaxBatchSummaryTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Test the makeBatchSummary function.
+ *
+ * We want to ensure changing the meethod of obtaining status and payment_instrument
+ * does not cause any regression.
+ */
public function testMakeBatchSummary() {
- $batch = $this->callAPISuccess('Batch', 'create', array('title' => 'test', 'status_id' => 'Open'));
+ $batch = $this->callAPISuccess('Batch', 'create', array('title' => 'test', 'status_id' => 'Open', 'payment_instrument_id' => 'Cash'));
$batchID = $batch['id'];
$params = array('id' => $batchID);
- $test = array(
- 'status' => 'some status', // how do i extract the batch's status?
- 'payment_instrument' => 'some instrument', // how do i extract the batch's payment instrument?
- );
$makeBatchSummary = CRM_Financial_Page_AJAX::makeBatchSummary($batchID,$params);
- $this->assertEquals($test['status'], $makeBatchSummary['status']);
- $this->assertEquals($test['payment_instrument'], $makeBatchSummary['payment_instrument']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Open', $makeBatchSummary['status']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Cash', $makeBatchSummary['payment_instrument']);
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