public $_contactDetails = array();
- public $_additionalContactDetails = array();
public $_allContactDetails = array();
public $_toContactEmails = array();
+ public $_toContactDetails = array();
+ public $_allContactIds = array();
+ public $_toContactIds = array();
+ public $_ccContactIds = array();
+ public $_bccContactIds = array();
static function preProcessFromAddress(&$form) {
$form->_single = FALSE;
$className = CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($form);
$cc = $form->add('text', 'cc_id', ts('CC'));
$bcc = $form->add('text', 'bcc_id', ts('BCC'));
- $elements = array('cc', 'bcc');
+ $setDefaults = TRUE;
+ if (property_exists($form, '_context') && $form->_context == 'standalone') {
+ $setDefaults = FALSE;
+ }
+ $elements = array('to', 'cc', 'bcc');
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($$element->getValue()) {
- preg_match_all('!"(.*?)"\s+<\s*(.*?)\s*>!', $$element->getValue(), $matches);
- $elementValues = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
- $name = '"' . $matches[1][$i] . '" <' . $matches[2][$i] . '>';
- $elementValues[] = array(
- 'name' => $name,
- 'id' => $matches[0][$i],
- );
- $id = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_Email', $matches[2][$i] , 'contact_id', 'email');
- $form->_additionalContactDetails[$element][$id] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($id);
+ $allEmails = explode(',', $$element->getValue());
+ if ($element == 'to') {
+ $form->_contactIds = array();
- $var = "{$element}Contact";
- $form->assign($var, json_encode($elementValues));
- }
- }
- $toSetDefault = TRUE;
- if (property_exists($form, '_context') && $form->_context == 'standalone') {
- $toSetDefault = FALSE;
- }
- // when form is submitted recompute contactIds
- $allToEmails = array();
- if ($to->getValue()) {
- $allToEmails = explode(',', $to->getValue());
- $form->_contactIds = array();
- foreach ($allToEmails as $value) {
- list($contactId, $email) = explode('::', $value);
- if ($contactId) {
- $form->_contactIds[] = $contactId;
- $form->_toContactEmails[] = $email;
+ foreach ($allEmails as $value) {
+ list($contactId, $email) = explode('::', $value);
+ if ($contactId) {
+ switch ($element) {
+ case 'to':
+ $form->_contactIds[] = $form->_toContactIds[] = $contactId;
+ $form->_toContactEmails[] = $email;
+ break;
+ case 'cc':
+ $form->_ccContactIds[] = $contactId;
+ break;
+ case 'bcc':
+ $form->_bccContactIds[] = $contactId;
+ break;
+ }
+ $form->_allContactIds[] = $contactId;
+ }
+ $setDefaults = TRUE;
- $toSetDefault = TRUE;
//get the group of contacts as per selected by user in case of Find Activities
$form->_contactIds = $contact;
- if (is_array($form->_contactIds) && $toSetDefault) {
+ // check if we need to setdefaults and check for valid contact emails / communication preferences
+ if (is_array($form->_contactIds) && $setDefaults) {
$returnProperties = array(
'sort_name' => 1,
'email' => 1,
'preferred_mail_format' => 1,
- list($form->_contactDetails) = CRM_Utils_Token::getTokenDetails($form->_contactIds,
+ // get the details for all selected contacts ( to, cc and bcc contacts )
+ list($form->_contactDetails) = CRM_Utils_Token::getTokenDetails($form->_allContactIds,
// make a copy of all contact details
$form->_allContactDetails = $form->_contactDetails;
- foreach ($form->_contactIds as $key => $contactId) {
+ // perform all validations
+ foreach ($form->_allContactIds as $key => $contactId) {
$value = $form->_contactDetails[$contactId];
if ($value['do_not_email'] || empty($value['email']) || CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_deceased', $value) || $value['on_hold']) {
else {
- if (empty($form->_toContactEmails)) {
- $email = $value['email'];
+ $email = $value['email'];
+ // build array's which are used to setdefaults
+ if (in_array($contactId, $form->_toContactIds)) {
+ $form->_toContactDetails[$contactId] = $form->_contactDetails[$contactId];
+ $toArray[] = array(
+ 'name' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" <' . $email . '>',
+ 'id' => "$contactId::{$email}",
+ );
+ }
+ elseif (in_array($contactId, $form->_ccContactIds)) {
+ $ccArray[] = array(
+ 'name' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" <' . $email . '>',
+ 'id' => "$contactId::{$email}",
+ );
- else {
- $email = $form->_toContactEmails[$key];
+ elseif (in_array($contactId, $form->_bccContactIds)) {
+ $bccArray[] = array(
+ 'name' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" <' . $email . '>',
+ 'id' => "$contactId::{$email}",
+ );
- $toArray[] = array(
- 'name' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" <' . $email . '>',
- 'id' => "$contactId::{$email}",
- );
$form->assign('toContact', json_encode($toArray));
+ $form->assign('ccContact', json_encode($ccArray));
+ $form->assign('bccContact', json_encode($bccArray));
$form->assign('suppressedEmails', $suppressedEmails);
$form->assign('totalSelectedContacts', count($form->_contactIds));
$fromEmail = $formValues['fromEmailAddress'];
$from = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fromEmail, $form->_emails);
- $cc = CRM_Utils_Array::value('cc_id', $formValues);
- $bcc = CRM_Utils_Array::value('bcc_id', $formValues);
$subject = $formValues['subject'];
- // CRM-13378: Append CC and BCC information at the end of Activity Details
- $elements = array('cc', 'bcc');
+ // CRM-13378: Append CC and BCC information at the end of Activity Details and format cc and bcc fields
+ $elements = array('cc_id', 'bcc_id');
$additionalDetails = NULL;
+ $ccValues = $bccValues = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
- if (isset($form->_additionalContactDetails[$element])) {
- foreach ($form->_additionalContactDetails[$element] as $id => $display_name) {
- $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&force=1&cid={$id}");
- $form->_additionalContactDetails[$element][$id] = "<a href=$url>$display_name</a>";
+ if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($element, $formValues)) {
+ $allEmails = explode(',', $formValues[$element]);
+ foreach ($allEmails as $value) {
+ list($contactId, $email) = explode('::', $value);
+ $contactURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&force=1&cid={$contactId}", true);
+ switch ($element) {
+ case 'cc_id':
+ $ccValues['email'][] = '"' . $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['sort_name'] . '" <' . $email . '>';
+ $ccValues['details'][] = "<a href='{$contactURL}'>" . $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['display_name'] . "</a>";
+ break;
+ case 'bcc_id':
+ $bccValues['email'][]= '"' . $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['sort_name'] . '" <' . $email . '>';
+ $bccValues['details'][] = "<a href='{$contactURL}'>" . $form->_contactDetails[$contactId]['display_name'] . "</a>";
+ break;
+ }
- $additionalDetails .= "\n$element : " . implode(", ", $form->_additionalContactDetails[$element]);
- unset($form->_additionalContactDetails[$element]);
+ $cc = $bcc = '';
+ if (!empty($ccValues)) {
+ $cc = implode(',', $ccValues['email']);
+ $additionalDetails .= "\ncc : " . implode(", ", $ccValues['details']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($bccValues)) {
+ $bcc = implode(',', $bccValues['email']);
+ $additionalDetails .= "\nbcc : " . implode(", ", $bccValues['details']);
+ }
// CRM-5916: prepend case id hash to CiviCase-originating emails’ subjects
if (isset($form->_caseId) && is_numeric($form->_caseId)) {
$hash = substr(sha1(CIVICRM_SITE_KEY . $form->_caseId), 0, 7);
- array_keys($form->_contactDetails),
+ array_keys($form->_toContactDetails),
if ($sent) {
- $count_success = count($form->_contactDetails);
+ $count_success = count($form->_toContactDetails);
CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('One message was sent successfully.', array('plural' => '%count messages were sent successfully.', 'count' => $count_success)), ts('Message Sent', array('plural' => 'Messages Sent', 'count' => $count_success)), 'success');