$entryFound = TRUE;
- //handle gender
- if (array_key_exists('civicrm_contact_gender_id', $row)) {
- if ($value = $row['civicrm_contact_gender_id']) {
- $gender = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', 'gender_id');
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_contact_gender_id'] = $gender[$value];
- }
- $entryFound = TRUE;
- }
- // display birthday in the configured custom format
- if (array_key_exists('civicrm_contact_birth_date', $row)) {
- $birthDate = $row['civicrm_contact_birth_date'];
- if ($birthDate) {
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_contact_birth_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($birthDate, '%Y%m%d');
- }
- $entryFound = TRUE;
- }
+ $entryFound = $this->alterDisplayContactFields($row, $rows, $rowNum, NULL, NULL) ? TRUE : $entryFound;
// skip looking further in rows, if first row itself doesn't
// have the column we need
$entryFound = $this->alterDisplayContactFields($row, $rows, $rowNum, 'event/participantListing', 'View Event Income Details') ? TRUE : $entryFound;
- // display birthday in the configured custom format
- if (array_key_exists('civicrm_contact_birth_date', $row)) {
- $birthDate = $row['civicrm_contact_birth_date'];
- if ($birthDate) {
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_contact_birth_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($birthDate, '%Y%m%d');
- }
- $entryFound = TRUE;
- }
$entryFound = $this->alterDisplayAddressFields($row, $rows, $rowNum, 'event/ParticipantListing', 'List all participant(s) for this ') ? TRUE : $entryFound;
// skip looking further in rows, if first row itself doesn't