public function testValidateFinancialType() {
Civi::settings()->set('contribution_invoice_settings', array('deferred_revenue_enabled' => '1'));
- $deferred = CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialAccount::getDeferredFinancialType();
$financialTypes = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialType();
foreach ($financialTypes as $key => $value) {
- $validate = CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialAccount::validateFinancialType($key);
- if (array_key_exists($key, $deferred)) {
- $this->assertFalse($validate, "This should not have thrown an error.");
+ try {
+ CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialAccount::validateFinancialType($key);
+ if (!in_array($value, array('Member Dues', 'Event Fee'))) {
+ $this->fail("Missed expected exception");
+ }
- else {
- $this->assertEquals($validate, TRUE);
+ catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
+ if (in_array($value, array('Member Dues', 'Event Fees'))) {
+ $this->fail("Should not call exception");
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->assertEquals('Deferred revenue account is not configured for selected financial type. Please have an administrator set up the deferred revenue account at Administer > CiviContribute > Financial Accounts, then configure it for financial types at Administer > CiviContribution > Financial Types, Accounts', $e->getMessage());
+ }