{include file='../CRM/Upgrade/4.7.alpha1.msg_template/civicrm_msg_template.tpl'}
+-- CRM-16478 Remove custom fatal error template path
+DELETE FROM civicrm_setting WHERE name = 'fatalErrorTemplate';
+UPDATE civicrm_state_province SET name = 'Bataan' WHERE name = 'Batasn';
+ALTER TABLE civicrm_payment_processor
+`payment_instrument_id` int unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Payment Instrument ID';
+ALTER TABLE civicrm_payment_processor_type
+`payment_instrument_id` int unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Payment Instrument ID';
+-- CRM-16876 Set country names to UPPERCASE
+UPDATE civicrm_country SET `name` = UPPER( `name` );
+-- CRM-16447
+UPDATE civicrm_state_province SET name = 'Northern Ostrobothnia' WHERE name = 'Nothern Ostrobothnia';
+-- CRM-14078
+UPDATE civicrm_option_group SET {localize field="title"}title = '{ts escape="sql"}Payment Methods{/ts}'{/localize} WHERE name = 'payment_instrument';
+UPDATE civicrm_navigation SET label = '{ts escape="sql"}Payment Methods{/ts}' WHERE name = 'Payment Instruments';
+-- CRM-16176
+{if $multilingual}
+ {foreach from=$locales item=locale}
+ ALTER TABLE civicrm_relationship_type ADD label_a_b_{$locale} varchar(64);
+ ALTER TABLE civicrm_relationship_type ADD label_b_a_{$locale} varchar(64);
+ ALTER TABLE civicrm_relationship_type ADD description_{$locale} varchar(255);
+ UPDATE civicrm_relationship_type SET label_a_b_{$locale} = label_a_b;
+ UPDATE civicrm_relationship_type SET label_b_a_{$locale} = label_b_a;
+ UPDATE civicrm_relationship_type SET description_{$locale} = description;
+ {/foreach}
+ ALTER TABLE civicrm_relationship_type DROP label_a_b;
+ ALTER TABLE civicrm_relationship_type DROP label_b_a;
+ ALTER TABLE civicrm_relationship_type DROP description;
+ -- CRM-13283
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `civicrm_status_pref` (
+ `id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Unique Status Preference ID',
+ `domain_id` int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Which Domain is this Status Preference for',
+ `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the status check this preference references.',
+ `hush_until` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'expires ignore_severity. NULL never hushes.',
+ `ignore_severity` int unsigned DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Hush messages up to and including this severity.',
+ `prefs` varchar(255) COMMENT 'These settings are per-check, and can\'t be compared across checks.',
+ `check_info` varchar(255) COMMENT 'These values are per-check, and can\'t be compared across checks.'
+ ,
+ PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
+ , INDEX `UI_status_pref_name`(
+ name
+ )
+ , CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_status_pref_domain_id FOREIGN KEY (`domain_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_domain`(`id`)
+ ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ;