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- <img src="img/products/eoma.png" alt="LibreTea Computer Card in Earth-friendly chassis" class="center-block" />
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- <a href="https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68/micro-desktop" class="btn get-item" role="button" href="#sellers-card">PRE-ORDER</a>
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- <h5 class="text-center">LibreTea computer in modular chassis</h5>
- <ul class="pros">
- <li>Interchangeable components for easy repairs and reduced waste.</li>
- <li>Hardware designs available so you can 3D-print new parts!</li>
- <li>Comes with the <a href="https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.en.html">Free Software Foundation-endorsed</a> Parabola operating system. This product is pending <a href="https://www.fsf.org/ryf">Respects Your Freedom</a> certification.</li>
- </ul>
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