+++ /dev/null
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
- | |
- | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
- | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
- | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
- *
- * @package CRM
- * @copyright CiviCRM LLC https://civicrm.org/licensing
- */
-class CRM_ACL_Page_ACLBasic extends CRM_Core_Page_Basic {
- /**
- * The action links that we need to display for the browse screen.
- *
- * @var array
- */
- public static $_links = NULL;
- /**
- * Get BAO Name.
- *
- * @return string
- * Classname of BAO.
- */
- public function getBAOName() {
- return 'CRM_ACL_BAO_ACL';
- }
- /**
- * Get action Links.
- *
- * @return array
- * (reference) of action links
- */
- public function &links() {
- if (!(self::$_links)) {
- self::$_links = [
- CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE => [
- 'name' => ts('Edit'),
- 'url' => 'civicrm/acl/basic',
- 'qs' => 'reset=1&action=update&id=%%id%%',
- 'title' => ts('Edit ACL'),
- ],
- CRM_Core_Action::DELETE => [
- 'name' => ts('Delete'),
- 'url' => 'civicrm/acl/basic',
- 'qs' => 'reset=1&action=delete&id=%%id%%',
- 'title' => ts('Delete ACL'),
- ],
- ];
- }
- return self::$_links;
- }
- /**
- * Run the page.
- *
- * This method is called after the page is created. It checks for the
- * type of action and executes that action.
- * Finally it calls the parent's run method.
- */
- public function run() {
- $id = $this->getIdAndAction();
- // set breadcrumb to append to admin/access
- $breadCrumb = [
- [
- 'title' => ts('Access Control'),
- 'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/access', 'reset=1'),
- ],
- ];
- CRM_Utils_System::appendBreadCrumb($breadCrumb);
- // what action to take ?
- if ($this->_action & (CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE | CRM_Core_Action::ADD | CRM_Core_Action::DELETE)) {
- $this->edit($this->_action, $id);
- }
- // finally browse the acl's
- $this->browse();
- // This replaces parent run, but do parent's parent run
- return CRM_Core_Page::run();
- }
- /**
- * Browse all acls.
- */
- public function browse() {
- // get all acl's sorted by weight
- $acl = [];
- $query = "
- FROM civicrm_acl
- WHERE ( object_table NOT IN ( 'civicrm_saved_search', 'civicrm_uf_group', 'civicrm_custom_group' ) )
-ORDER BY entity_id
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
- $roles = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('acl_role');
- $permissions = CRM_Core_Permission::basicPermissions();
- while ($dao->fetch()) {
- if (!array_key_exists($dao->entity_id, $acl)) {
- $acl[$dao->entity_id] = [];
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['name'] = $dao->name;
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['entity_id'] = $dao->entity_id;
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['entity_table'] = $dao->entity_table;
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['object_table'] = $permissions[$dao->object_table] ?? NULL;
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['is_active'] = 1;
- if ($acl[$dao->entity_id]['entity_id']) {
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['entity'] = $roles[$acl[$dao->entity_id]['entity_id']];
- }
- else {
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['entity'] = ts('Any Role');
- }
- // form all action links
- $action = array_sum(array_keys($this->links()));
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink(
- self::links(),
- $action,
- ['id' => $dao->entity_id],
- ts('more'),
- 'aclRole.manage.action',
- 'ACLRole',
- $dao->entity_id
- );
- }
- elseif (!empty($permissions[$dao->object_table])) {
- $acl[$dao->entity_id]['object_table'] .= ", {$permissions[$dao->object_table]}";
- }
- }
- $this->assign('rows', $acl);
- }
- /**
- * Get name of edit form.
- *
- * @return string
- * Classname of edit form.
- */
- public function editForm() {
- return 'CRM_ACL_Form_ACLBasic';
- }
- /**
- * Get edit form name.
- *
- * @return string
- * name of this page.
- */
- public function editName() {
- return 'Core ACLs';
- }
- /**
- * Get user context.
- *
- * @param null $mode
- *
- * @return string
- * user context.
- */
- public function userContext($mode = NULL) {
- return 'civicrm/acl/basic';
- }
-- sample acl entries
-- Create ACL to edit and view contacts in all groups
-INSERT INTO civicrm_acl (name, deny, entity_table, entity_id, operation, object_table, object_id, acl_table, acl_id, is_active)
+INSERT INTO civicrm_acl (name, deny, entity_table, entity_id, operation, object_table, object_id, acl_table, acl_id, is_active, priority)
-('Edit All Contacts', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'Edit', 'civicrm_saved_search', 0, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'access all custom data', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'make online contributions', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'make online pledges', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'profile listings and forms', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'view event info', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 0, 'All', 'register for events', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviCRM', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviContribute', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviEvent', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviMail', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviMember', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviPledge', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'administer CiviCase', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access my cases and activities', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access all cases and activities', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete in CiviCase', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviGrant', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access Contact Dashboard', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'administer Multiple Organizations', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete activities', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete in CiviContribute', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete in CiviMail', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete in CiviPledge', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete contacts', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete in CiviEvent', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'delete in CiviMember', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'translate CiviCRM', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit grants', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access all custom data', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access uploaded files', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'add contacts', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'administer CiviCRM', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit all contacts', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit contributions', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit event participants', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit groups', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit memberships', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit pledges', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access CiviReport', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'access Report Criteria', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'administer Reports', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'import contacts', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'make online contributions', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'make online pledges', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'profile listings and forms', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'profile create', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'profile edit', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'profile listings', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'profile view', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'register for events', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'view all activities', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'view all contacts', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'view event info', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'view event participants', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'All', 'edit all events', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'access all custom data', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'make online contributions', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'make online pledges', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'profile listings and forms', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'register for events', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1),
-('Core ACL', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 2, 'All', 'view event info', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
+('Edit All Contacts', 0, 'civicrm_acl_role', 1, 'Edit', 'civicrm_saved_search', 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
-- Create default Groups for User Permissioning
-INSERT INTO civicrm_group (`id`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `source`, `saved_search_id`, `is_active`, `visibility`, `group_type`) VALUES (1, 'Administrators', '{ts escape="sql"}Administrators{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql"}Contacts in this group are assigned Administrator role permissions.{/ts}', NULL, NULL, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', '\ 11\ 1');
+INSERT INTO civicrm_group (`id`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `source`, `saved_search_id`, `is_active`, `visibility`, `group_type`)
+VALUES (1, 'Administrators', '{ts escape="sql"}Administrators{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql"}Contacts in this group are assigned Administrator role permissions.{/ts}', NULL, NULL, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', '\ 11\ 1');
-- Assign above Group (entity) to the Administrator Role
INSERT INTO civicrm_acl_entity_role