public function setUp() {
+ // $this->quickCleanup(array('civicrm_acl_contact_cache'), TRUE);
$this->allowedContactsACL = array();
* Test access related to the 'access deleted contact' permission
- public function _testPermissionCompare() {
- // CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('edit all contacts', 'view all contacts');
- // $contacts = $this->createScenarioPlain();
+ public function testPermissionCompare() {
+ $contacts = $this->createScenarioRelations();
+ $contact_index = array_flip($contacts);
+ // set custom hook
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', array($this, 'hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause'));
+ $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
+ $this->allowedContactsACL = array($contacts[0], $contacts[1], $contacts[4]);
+ $config->secondDegRelPermissions = TRUE;
+ // test configurations
+ $permissions_to_check = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW => 'View', CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT => 'Edit');
+ $user_permission_options = array(/*ALL*/ NULL, /*NONE*/ array(), array('view all contacts'), array('edit all contacts'), array('view all contacts', 'edit all contacts'));
+ // run all combinations of those
+ foreach ($permissions_to_check as $permission_to_check => $permission_label) {
+ foreach ($user_permission_options as $user_permissions) {
+ // select the contact range
+ $contact_range = $contacts;
+ if (is_array($user_permissions) && count($user_permissions)==0) {
+ // slight (explainable) deviation on the own contact
+ unset($contact_range[0]);
+ }
+ $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = $user_permissions;
+ $user_permissions_label = json_encode($user_permissions);
+ // get the list result
+ $list_result = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allowList($contact_range, $permission_to_check);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($list_result) <= count($contact_range), "Permission::allowList should return a subset of the contats.");
+ foreach ($list_result as $contact_id) {
+ $this->assertContains($contact_id, $contact_range, "Permission::allowList should return a subset of the contats.");
+ }
+ // now compare the results
+ foreach ($contact_range as $contact_id) {
+ $individual_result = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow($contact_id, $permission_to_check);
+ if (in_array($contact_id, $list_result)) {
+ // listPermission reports PERMISSION GRANTED
+ $this->assertTrue($individual_result, "Permission::allow denies {$permission_label} access for contact[{$contact_index[$contact_id]}], while Permission::allowList grants it. User permission: '{$user_permissions_label}'");
+ } else {
+ // listPermission reports PERMISSION DENIED
+ $this->assertFalse($individual_result, "Permission::allow grantes {$permission_label} access for contact[{$contact_index[$contact_id]}], while Permission::allowList denies it. User permission: '{$user_permissions_label}'");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }