INSERT INTO {$componentTable} SELECT distinct gc.contact_id FROM civicrm_group_contact gc WHERE gc.group_id = {$exportParams['additional_group']} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$componentTable}.contact_id = gc.contact_id"
- $processor = new CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor($exportMode, $fields, $queryOperator, $mergeSameHousehold, $isPostalOnly, $mergeSameAddress);
- if ($moreReturnProperties) {
- $processor->setAdditionalRequestedReturnProperties($moreReturnProperties);
- }
- $paymentTableId = $processor->getPaymentTableID();
// rectify params to what proximity search expects if there is a value for prox_distance
// CRM-7021
+ // @todo - move this back to the calling functions
if (!empty($params)) {
+ // @todo everything from this line up should go back to the calling functions.
+ $processor = new CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor($exportMode, $fields, $queryOperator, $mergeSameHousehold, $isPostalOnly, $mergeSameAddress);
+ if ($moreReturnProperties) {
+ $processor->setAdditionalRequestedReturnProperties($moreReturnProperties);
+ }
+ $paymentTableId = $processor->getPaymentTableID();
list($query, $select, $from, $where, $having) = $processor->runQuery($params, $order);