--- /dev/null
+# This places a key in the GNU expired keyring at
+# /home/gatekpr/expired-gnu-keys.gpg. It is useful for when a
+# maintainer may not wish to use the FTP upload system, or their
+# registered key has expired, so that their key still stays in the
+# GNU keyring (so old signatures are still verifiable)
+# written by baughj, 2006.04.05
+if ( ([ "$1" = "" ]) || ([ "$2" = "" ]) )
+ echo "ftp-rmkey.sh <project name> <key ID>"
+ exit
+if ! [ -d $PACKAGES/$1 ]
+ echo "ERROR: $1 isn't a known package."
+ exit -1
+echo "Importing old key into $EXPIRED_KEYRING..."
+pgpg $1 --export $2 | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring $EXPIRED_KEYRING --import
+echo "Removing key..."
+pgpg $1 --delete-key $2
+echo "Make sure to remove the email address from $PACKAGES/$1/email."