need to check with Joe as the e-Notice seems to expose a real error and we should possibly
reverse this & uncomment a couple of lines in the tests that are tied up with this too
(in ContributionPageTest). the issue is that pending recurring contributions WITH memberships
have no line items
'entity_table' => 'civicrm_financial_item',
'financial_trxn_id' => $trxn->id,
+ if (empty($params['line_item'])) {
+ //CRM-15296
+ //@todo - check with Joe regarding this situation - payment processors create pending transactions with no line items
+ // when creating recurring membership payment - there are 2 lines to comment out in contributonPageTest if fixed
+ // & this can be removed
+ return;
+ }
foreach ($params['line_item'] as $fieldId => $fields) {
foreach ($fields as $fieldValueId => $fieldValues) {
$fparams = array(