* of time. This is the inverse function of create. It also stores all the retrieved
* values in the default array
- * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
- * @param array $defaults (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values
+ * @param array $params
+ * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
+ * @param array $defaults
+ * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values.
* @return CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge object
* @static
* Add pledge
- * @param array $params reference array contains the values submitted by the form
+ * @param array $params
+ * Reference array contains the values submitted by the form.
* @static
* Given the list of params in the params array, fetch the object
* and store the values in the values array
- * @param array $params input parameters to find object
- * @param array $values output values of the object
- * @param array $returnProperties if you want to return specific fields
+ * @param array $params
+ * Input parameters to find object.
+ * @param array $values
+ * Output values of the object.
+ * @param array $returnProperties
+ * If you want to return specific fields.
* @return array associated array of field values
* @static
* Takes an associative array and creates a pledge object
- * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
+ * @param array $params
+ * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
* @return CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge object
* @static
* Delete the pledge
- * @param int $id pledge id
+ * @param int $id
+ * Pledge id.
* @return mixed
* @static
* Get list of pledges In Honor of contact Ids
- * @param int $honorId In Honor of Contact ID
+ * @param int $honorId
+ * In Honor of Contact ID.
* @return array return the list of pledge fields
* Send Acknowledgment and create activity.
- * @param CRM_Core_Form $form form object.
- * @param array $params an assoc array of name/value pairs.
+ * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
+ * Form object.
+ * @param array $params
+ * An assoc array of name/value pairs.
* @return void.
* Get pending or in progress pledges
- * @param int $contactID contact id
+ * @param int $contactID
+ * Contact id.
* @return array associated array of pledge id(s)
* @static
* when no transactions have taken place - the editing process currently involves deleting all pledge payments & contributions
* & recreating so we want to block that if appropriate
- * @param integer $pledgeID
- * @param integer $pledgeStatusID
+ * @param int $pledgeID
+ * @param int $pledgeStatusID
* @return bool do financial transactions exist for this pledge?
public static function pledgeHasFinancialTransactions($pledgeID, $pledgeStatusID) {
* Does this pledge / pledge payment status mean that a financial transaction has taken place?
- * @param int $statusID pledge status id
+ * @param int $statusID
+ * Pledge status id.
* @return bool is it a transactional status?
* of time. This is the inverse function of create. It also stores all the retrieved
* values in the default array
- * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
- * @param array $defaults (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values
+ * @param array $params
+ * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
+ * @param array $defaults
+ * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values.
* @return CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgeBlock object
* @static
* Takes an associative array and creates a pledgeBlock object
- * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
+ * @param array $params
+ * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
* @return CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgeBlock object
* @static
* Add pledgeBlock
- * @param array $params reference array contains the values submitted by the form
+ * @param array $params
+ * Reference array contains the values submitted by the form.
* @static
* Delete the pledgeBlock
- * @param int $id pledgeBlock id
+ * @param int $id
+ * PledgeBlock id.
* @return mixed|null
* @static
* Return Pledge Block info in Contribution Pages
- * @param int $pageID contribution page id
+ * @param int $pageID
+ * Contribution page id.
* @return array
* @static
* Get pledge payment details
- * @param int $pledgeId pledge id
+ * @param int $pledgeId
+ * Pledge id.
* @return array associated array of pledge payment details
* @static
* Add pledge payment
- * @param array $params associate array of field
+ * @param array $params
+ * Associate array of field.
* @return pledge payment id
* @static
* of time. This is the inverse function of create. It also stores all the retrieved
* values in the default array
- * @param array $params (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs
- * @param array $defaults (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values
+ * @param array $params
+ * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs.
+ * @param array $defaults
+ * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values.
* @return CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment object
* @static
* Delete all pledge payments
- * @param int $id pledge id
+ * @param int $id
+ * Pledge id.
* @return bool
* @static
* On delete contribution record update associated pledge payment and pledge.
- * @param int $contributionID contribution id
+ * @param int $contributionID
+ * Contribution id.
* @return bool
* @static
* Update Pledge Payment Status
- * @param int $pledgeID , id of pledge
- * @param array $paymentIDs , ids of pledge payment(s) to update
- * @param int $paymentStatusID , payment status to set
- * @param int $pledgeStatusID pledge status to change (if needed)
+ * @param int $pledgeID
+ * , id of pledge.
+ * @param array $paymentIDs
+ * , ids of pledge payment(s) to update.
+ * @param int $paymentStatusID
+ * , payment status to set.
+ * @param int $pledgeStatusID
+ * Pledge status to change (if needed).
* @param float|int $actualAmount , actual amount being paid
- * @param bool $adjustTotalAmount , is amount being paid different from scheduled amount?
- * @param bool $isScriptUpdate , is function being called from bin script?
+ * @param bool $adjustTotalAmount
+ * , is amount being paid different from scheduled amount?.
+ * @param bool $isScriptUpdate
+ * , is function being called from bin script?.
* @return int $newStatus, updated status id (or 0)
* Calculate the pledge status
- * @param int $pledgeId pledge id
+ * @param int $pledgeId
+ * Pledge id.
* @return int $statusId calculated status id of pledge
* @static
* Update pledge payment table
- * @param int $pledgeId pledge id
- * @param int $paymentStatusId payment status id to set
- * @param array $paymentIds payment ids to be updated
+ * @param int $pledgeId
+ * Pledge id.
+ * @param int $paymentStatusId
+ * Payment status id to set.
+ * @param array $paymentIds
+ * Payment ids to be updated.
* @param float|int $actualAmount , actual amount being paid
- * @param int $contributionId , Id of associated contribution when payment is recorded
- * @param bool $isScriptUpdate , is function being called from bin script?
+ * @param int $contributionId
+ * , Id of associated contribution when payment is recorded.
+ * @param bool $isScriptUpdate
+ * , is function being called from bin script?.
* @static
* Update pledge payment table when reminder is sent
- * @param int $paymentId payment id
+ * @param int $paymentId
+ * Payment id.
* @static
* Get oldest pending or in progress pledge payments
- * @param int $pledgeID pledge id
+ * @param int $pledgeID
+ * Pledge id.
* @param int $limit
* Global form rule
- * @param array $fields the input form values
- * @param array $files the uploaded files if any
+ * @param array $fields
+ * The input form values.
+ * @param array $files
+ * The uploaded files if any.
* @param $self
* Global validation rules for the form
- * @param array $fields posted values of the form
+ * @param array $fields
+ * Posted values of the form.
* @return void
* @static
* Simple shell that derived classes can call to add buttons to
* the form with a customized title for the main Submit
- * @param string $title title of the main button
+ * @param string $title
+ * Title of the main button.
* @param string $nextType
* @param string $backType
* @param bool $submitOnce
* Class constructor
- * @param array $queryParams array of parameters for query
+ * @param array $queryParams
+ * Array of parameters for query.
* @param \const|int $action - action of search basic or advanced.
- * @param string $additionalClause if the caller wants to further restrict the search (used in participations)
- * @param boolean $single are we dealing only with one contact?
- * @param int $limit how many signers do we want returned
+ * @param string $additionalClause
+ * If the caller wants to further restrict the search (used in participations).
+ * @param bool $single
+ * Are we dealing only with one contact?.
+ * @param int $limit
+ * How many signers do we want returned.
* @param string $context
* Returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount
- * @param enum $action the action being performed
- * @param int $offset the row number to start from
- * @param int $rowCount the number of rows to return
- * @param string $sort the sql string that describes the sort order
- * @param enum $output what should the result set include (web/email/csv)
+ * @param enum $action
+ * The action being performed.
+ * @param int $offset
+ * The row number to start from.
+ * @param int $rowCount
+ * The number of rows to return.
+ * @param string $sort
+ * The sql string that describes the sort order.
+ * @param enum $output
+ * What should the result set include (web/email/csv).
* @return int the total number of rows for this action
* Returns the column headers as an array of tuples:
* (name, sortName (key to the sort array))
- * @param string $action the action being performed
- * @param enum $output what should the result set include (web/email/csv)
+ * @param string $action
+ * The action being performed.
+ * @param enum $output
+ * What should the result set include (web/email/csv).
* @return array the column headers that need to be displayed
* Name of export file.
- * @param string $output type of output
+ * @param string $output
+ * Type of output.
* @return string name of the file
* to avoid using conditional state machine, much more efficient
* and simpler
- * @param CRM_Core_Controller $controller the controller object
+ * @param CRM_Core_Controller $controller
+ * The controller object.
* @param string $formName