docCodeTpl = _.template($('#doc-code-tpl').html()),
joinTpl = _.template($('#join-tpl').html()),
+ // The following apis do not support the syntax for joins
+ // FIXME: the solution is to convert these apis to use _civicrm_api3_basic_get
+ NO_JOINS = ['Contact', 'Contribution', 'Pledge', 'Participant'],
// These types of entityRef don't require any input to open
// FIXME: ought to be in getfields metadata
OPEN_IMMEDIATELY = ['RelationshipType', 'Event', 'Group', 'Tag'],
function renderJoinSelector() {
- if (!_.includes(['Contact', 'Contribution', 'Pledge'], entity) && _.includes(['get', 'getsingle'], action)) {
+ if (!_.includes(NO_JOINS, entity) && _.includes(['get', 'getsingle'], action)) {
var joinable = {};
(function recurse(fields, joinable, prefix, depth, entities) {
_.each(fields, function(field) {