"Freenode IRC channel for ",
": ",
+ m("br"),
m("strong", ["/join ", stream.ircChannel])
} else {
m("strong", [
m("a", { target: "_blank", href: "https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=92" }, "Register"),
- " to access IRC rooms. ",
+ " to access more IRC rooms. ",
m("strong", [
m("a", { href: "/2021/registered/live/" }, "Already registered?"),
"Conference-wide Freenode IRC channel: ",
m("strong", "/join #libreplanet")
- m("li", irc_info),
+ m("li",
+ m("div", { class: "special-irc" },
+ irc_info)
+ ),
// m("li", [
// "Conference-wide Mumble (voice chat) server: ",
// m("strong", "mumble.fsf.org")
<title>LibrePlanet 2021 ~ Live</title>
+.special-irc { background-color: #e0e8ff; padding: 5px; margin-left: -5px; }
+.special-irc a { border-bottom: thin solid blue }
+.special-irc a:hover, .special-irc a:focus { color: #46f }
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