Some advanced search accordion regions have a close button on the right – clicking this 'deactivites' the region from the search, and with the recent changes it also makes the expanded region hidden.
This removes the line of JS responsible for that.
var header = $(this).parent();'');
- header.parent('.crm-ajax-accordion:not(.collapsed)').crmAccordionToggle();
// Reset results-display mode if it depends on this pane
var mode = modes[$('#component_mode').val()] || null;
if (mode && header.attr('id') == mode) {
{foreach from=$allPanes key=paneName item=paneValue}
- <details class="crm-accordion-wrapper crm-ajax-accordion crm-{$}-accordion {if $ eq 'true' || array_key_exists($paneName, $openedPanes)} {else}open=""{/if}">
+ <details class="crm-accordion-wrapper crm-ajax-accordion crm-{$}-accordion">
<summary class="crm-accordion-header" id="{$}">