This page contains some basic documentation for the Tweepy module.
-:mod:`tweepy` Module
+:mod:`tweepy.api` --- Twitter API wrapper
+.. class:: API([auth_handler], [host], [search_host], [cache], [secure], [api_root], [search_root], [retry_count], [retry_delay], [retry_errors])
+Document this class.
+Timeline methods
+.. method:: API.public_timeline
+Returns the 20 most recent statuses from non-protected users who have
+set a custom user icon. The public timeline is cached for 60 seconds
+so requesting it more often than that is a waste of resources.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.home_timeline
+Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted by the
+authenticating user and that user's friends. This is the equivalent of
+/timeline/home on the Web.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.friends_timeline
+Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted by the authenticating user
+and that user's friends.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.user_timeline
+Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating
+user. It's also possible to request another user's timeline via the id
+Parameters: (id or user_id or screen_name), since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.mentions
+Returns the 20 most recent mentions (status containing @username) for
+the authenticating user.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.retweeted_by_me
+Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating user.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.retweeted_to_me
+Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating
+user's friends.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.retweets_of_me
+Returns the 20 most recent tweets of the authenticated user that have
+been retweeted by others.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+Status methods
+.. method:: API.get_status
+Returns a single status specified by the ID parameter.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: class:`Status` object
+.. method:: API.update_status
+Update the authenticated user's status. Statuses that are duplicates
+or too long will be silently ignored.
+Parameters: status (Required), in_reply_to_status_id, lat, long
+Returns: class:`Status` object
+.. method:: API.destroy_status
+Destroy the status specified by the id parameter. The authenticated
+user must be the author of the status to destroy.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: class:`Status` object
+.. method:: API.retweet
+Retweets a tweet. Requires the id of the tweet you are retweeting.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: class:`Status` object
+.. method:: API.retweets
+Returns up to 100 of the first retweets of the given tweet.
+Parameters: id (Required), count
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+User methods
+.. method:: API.get_user
+Returns information about the specified user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR id (One of these is Required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method::
+Returns the authenticated user's information.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: User object
+Returns an user's friends ordered in which they were added 100 at a time. If no user is specified by id/screen name, it defaults to the authenticated user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id, cursor
+Returns: list of User objects
+.. method:: API.followers
+Returns an user's followers ordered in which they were added 100 at a
+time. If no user is specified by id/screen name, it defaults to the
+authenticated user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id, cursor
+Returns: list of User objects
+.. method:: API.search_users
+Run a search for users similar to Find People button on;
+the same results returned by people search on will be
+returned by using this API (about being listed in the People
+Search). It is only possible to retrieve the first 1000 matches from
+this API.
+Parameters: q (Required. The query.), per_page, page
+Returns: list of User objects
+Direct Message Methods
+.. method:: API.direct_messages
+Returns direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of DirectMessage objects
+.. method:: API.sent_direct_messages
+Returns direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
+Parameters: since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of DirectMessage objects
+.. method:: API.send_direct_message
+Sends a new direct message to the specified user from the
+authenticating user.
+Parameters: user (Required), text (Required)
+Returns: DirectMessage object
+.. method:: API.destroy_direct_message
+Destroy a direct message. Authenticating user must be the recipient of
+the direct message.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: DirectMessage object
+.. method:: API.create_friendship
+Create a new friendship with the specified user (aka follow).
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.destroy_friendship
+Destroy a friendship with the specified user (aka unfollow).
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.exists_friendship
+Checks if a friendship exists between two users. Will return True if
+user_a follows user_b, otherwise False.
+Parameters: user_a (Required), user_b (Required)
+Returns: True/False
+.. method:: API.show_friendship
+Returns detailed information about the relationship between two users.
+Parameters: source_id OR source_screen_name (One of these is required), target_id OR target_screen_name (One of these is required)
+Returns: Friendship object
+Friendship Methods
+.. method:: API.friends_ids
+Returns an array containing the IDs of users being followed by the
+specified user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: list of Integers
+.. method:: API.followers_ids
+Returns an array containing the IDs of users following the specified
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: list of Integers
+Account Methods
+.. method:: API.verify_credentials
+Verify the supplied user credentials are valid.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: User object if credentials are valid, otherwise False
+.. method:: API.rate_limit_status
+Returns the remaining number of API requests available to the
+requesting user before the API limit is reached for the current
+hour. Calls to rate_limit_status do not count against the rate
+limit. If authentication credentials are provided, the rate limit
+status for the authenticating user is returned. Otherwise, the rate
+limit status for the requester's IP address is returned.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: JSON object
+.. method:: API.set_delivery_device
+Sets which device Twitter delivers updates to for the authenticating
+user. Sending "none" as the device parameter will disable SMS updates.
+Parameters: device (Required. Valid values: sms OR none)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.update_profile_colors
+Sets one or more hex values that control the color scheme of the
+authenticating user's profile page on
+Parameters: profile_background_color, profile_text_color, profile_link_color, profile_sidebar_fill_color, profile_sidebar_border_color
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.update_profile_image
+Update the authenticating user's profile image. Valid formats: GIF,
+JPG, or PNG
+Parameters: filename (Path to image file. Required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.update_profile_background_image
+Update authenticating user's background image. Valid formats: GIF,
+JPG, or PNG
+Parameters: filename (Path to image file. Required), tile
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.update_profile
+Sets values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of
+their settings page.
+Parameters: name, url, location, description
+Returns: User object
+Favorite Methods
+.. method:: API.favorites
+Returns the favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user
+specified by the ID parameter.
+Parameters: id, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.create_favorite
+Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the
+authenticating user.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: class:`Status` object
+.. method:: API.destroy_favorite
+Un-favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the
+authenticating user.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: class:`Status` object
+Notification Methods
+.. method:: API.enable_notifications
+Enables device notifications for updates from the specified user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.disable_notifications
+Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the
+authenticating user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+Block Methods
+.. method:: API.create_block
+Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating
+user. Destroys a friendship to the blocked user if it exists.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.destroy_block
+Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter for the
+authenticating user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+.. method:: API.exists_block
+Checks if the authenticated user is blocking the specified user.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: True/False
+.. method:: API.blocks
+Returns an array of user objects that the authenticating user is
+Parameters: page
+Returns: list of User objects
+.. method:: API.blocks_ids
+Returns an array of numeric user ids the authenticating user is
+Parameters: None
+Returns: list of Integers
+Spam Reporting Methods
+.. method:: API.report_spam
+The user specified in the id is blocked by the authenticated user and
+reported as a spammer.
+Parameters: id OR screen_name OR user_id (One of these is required)
+Returns: User object
+Saved Searches Methods
+.. method:: API.saved_searches
+Returns the authenticated user's saved search queries.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: list of SavedSearch objects
+.. method:: API.get_saved_search
+Retrieve the data for a saved search owned by the authenticating user
+specified by the given id.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: SavedSearch object
+.. method:: API.create_saved_search
+Creates a saved search for the authenticated user.
+Parameters: query (Required)
+Returns: SavedSearch object
+.. method:: API.destroy_saved_search
+Destroys a saved search for the authenticated user. The search
+specified by id must be owned by the authenticating user.
+Parameters: id (Required)
+Returns: SavedSearch object
+Help Methods
+.. method:: API.test
+Invokes the test method in the Twitter API. Return True if successful,
+otherwise False.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: True/False
+.. method::
+Returns tweets that match a specified query.
+Parameters: q (Required. The search query string.), lang, locale, rpp, page, since_id, geocode, show_user
+Returns: list of SearchResult objects
+.. method:: API.trends
+Returns the top ten topics that are currently trending on Twitter. The
+response includes the time of the request, the name of each trend, and
+the url to the Twitter Search results page for that topic.
+Parameters: None
+Returns: JSON object
+.. method:: API.trends_current
+Returns the current top 10 trending topics on Twitter. The response
+includes the time of the request, the name of each trending topic, and
+query used on Twitter Search results page for that topic.
+Parameters: exclude
+Returns: JSON object
+.. method:: API.trends_daily
+Returns the top 20 trending topics for each hour in a given day.
+Parameters: date, exclude
+Returns: JSON object
+.. method:: API.trends_weekly
+Returns the top 30 trending topics for each day in a given week.
+Parameters: date, exclude
+Returns: JSON object
+List Methods
+.. method:: API.create_list
+Creates a new list for the authenticated user. Accounts are limited to
+20 lists.
+Parameters: name (Required), mode (public/private default: public)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.destroy_list
+Deletes the specified list. Must be owned by the authenticated user.
+Parameters: slug (Required. May also be the list ID.)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.update_list
+Updates the specified list. Note: this current throws a 500. Twitter
+is looking into the issue.
+Parameters: slug (Required. May also be the list ID.), name, mode (public/private)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.lists
+List the lists of the specified user. Private lists will be included
+if the authenticated users is the same as the user who's lists are
+being returned.
+Parameters: cursor
+Returns: list of class:`List` objects
+.. method:: API.lists_memberships
+List the lists the specified user has been added to.
+Parameters: cursor
+Returns: list of class:`List` objects
+.. method:: API.lists_subscriptions
+List the lists the specified user follows.
+Parameters: cursor
+Returns: list of class:`List` objects
+.. method:: API.list_timeline
+Show tweet timeline for members of the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be the list ID.), since_id, max_id, count, page
+Returns: list of class:`Status` objects
+.. method:: API.get_list
+Show the specified list. Private lists will only be shown if the
+authenticated user owns the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be the list ID.)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.add_list_member
+Add a member to a list. The authenticated user must own the list to be
+able to add members to it. Lists are limited to having 500 members.
+Parameters: slug (Required. May also be the list ID.), id (Required. ID of user to add.)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.remove_list_member
+Removes the specified member from the list. The authenticated user
+must be the list's owner to remove members from the list.
+Parameters: slug (Required. May also be the list ID.), id (Required. ID of user to remove.)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.list_members
+Returns the members of the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be list ID.), cursor
+Returns: list of User objects
+.. method:: API.is_list_member
+Check if a user is a member of the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be list ID.), id (Required. User to check if is a member on the list or not.)
+Returns: User object if user is a member of list, otherwise False.
+.. method:: API.subscribe_list
+Make the authenticated user follow the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be list ID.)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.unsubscribe_list
+Unsubscribes the authenticated user form the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be list ID.)
+Returns: class:`List` object
+.. method:: API.list_subscribers
+Returns the subscribers of the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be list ID.), cursor
+Returns: list of User objects
+.. method:: API.is_subscribed_list
+Check if the specified user is a subscriber of the specified list.
+Parameters: owner (Required.), slug (Required. May also be list ID.), id (Required. User to check if subscribed to the list.)
+Returns: User object if user is subscribed to the list, otherwise False.