protected $_component;
- /**
- * Array of fields to display on billingBlock.tpl - this is not fully implemented but basically intent is the panes/fieldsets on this page should
- * be all in this array in order like
- * 'credit_card' => array('credit_card_number' ...
- * 'billing_details' => array('first_name' ...
- *
- * such that both the fields and the order can be more easily altered by payment processors & other extensions
- * @var array
- */
- public $billingFieldSets = [];
* Monetary fields that may be submitted.
* ID of the payment processor.
public static function setPaymentFieldsByProcessor(&$form, $processor, $billing_profile_id = NULL, $isBackOffice = FALSE, $paymentInstrumentID = NULL) {
- $form->billingFieldSets = [];
// Load the pay-later processor
// @todo load this right up where the other processors are loaded initially.
if (empty($processor)) {
$form->assign('paymentTypeName', $paymentTypeName);
$form->assign('paymentTypeLabel', self::getPaymentLabel($processor['object']));
$form->assign('isBackOffice', $isBackOffice);
- $form->_paymentFields = $form->billingFieldSets[$paymentTypeName]['fields'] = self::getPaymentFieldMetadata($processor);
+ $form->_paymentFields = self::getPaymentFieldMetadata($processor);
$form->_paymentFields = array_merge($form->_paymentFields, self::getBillingAddressMetadata($processor, $form->_bltID));
$form->assign('paymentFields', self::getPaymentFields($processor));
self::setBillingAddressFields($form, $processor);
- // @todo - this may be obsolete - although potentially it could be used to re-order things in the form.
- $form->billingFieldSets['billing_name_address-group']['fields'] = [];