{crmRegion name="billing-block-pre"}
{* todo move this region assignment to paypal processor *}
- {include file= "CRM/Financial/PaypalPro.tpl"}
+ {include file= "CRM/Financial/Form/PaypalPro.tpl"}
<div class="crm-section billing_mode-section {$paymentTypeName}_info-section">
{foreach from=$paymentFields item=paymentField}
{crmRegion name="billing-block-post"}
{* Payment processors sometimes need to append something to the end of the billing block. We create a region for
clarity - the plan is to move to assigning this through the payment processor to this region *}
- {include file= "CRM/Financial/PaypalExpress.tpl"}
+ {include file= "CRM/Financial/Form/PaypalExpress.tpl"}
<script type="text/javascript">
-function buildPaymentBlock( type ) {
+function buildPaymentBlock(type) {
{/literal}{if !$isBillingAddressRequiredForPayLater}{literal}
if (type == 0) {
if (cj("#billing-payment-block").length) {