if ($actionSchedule->start_action_date) {
$additionWhere = $whereClause . ' AND ';
+ $contactTable = "civicrm_contact c";
+ $addSelect = "SELECT c.id as contact_id, c.id as entity_id, 'civicrm_contact' as entity_table, {$actionSchedule->id} as action_schedule_id";
+ $additionReminderClause = "civicrm_action_log reminder ON reminder.contact_id = c.id AND
+ reminder.entity_id = c.id AND
+ reminder.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' AND
+ reminder.action_schedule_id = {$actionSchedule->id}";
$insertAdditionalSql ="
INSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id)
- SELECT c.id as contact_id, c.id as entity_id, 'civicrm_contact' as entity_table, {$actionSchedule->id} as action_schedule_id
-FROM (civicrm_contact c, {$table})
-LEFT JOIN civicrm_action_log reminder ON reminder.contact_id = c.id AND
- reminder.entity_id = c.id AND
- reminder.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' AND
- reminder.action_schedule_id = {$actionSchedule->id}
+FROM ({$contactTable}, {$table})
+LEFT JOIN {$additionReminderClause}
{$additionWhere} c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.is_deceased = 0 AND {$addWhere}
AND {$dateClause}
$havingClause = "HAVING TIMEDIFF({$now}, latest_log_time) >= TIME('{$hrs}:00:00')";
$groupByClause = 'GROUP BY reminder.contact_id, reminder.entity_id, reminder.entity_table';
$selectClause .= ', MAX(reminder.action_date_time) as latest_log_time';
$sqlInsertValues = "{$selectClause}
INNER JOIN {$reminderJoinClause}
-{$whereClause} AND {$repeatEventClause}
+{$whereClause} {$limitWhereClause} AND {$repeatEventClause}
INSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id) VALUES ' . $valString;
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
+ if ($limitTo == 0) {
+ $addSelect .= ', MAX(reminder.action_date_time) as latest_log_time';
+ $sqlEndEventCheck = "
+SELECT * FROM {$table}
+{$whereClause} AND {$repeatEventClause} LIMIT 1";
+ $daoCheck = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sqlEndEventCheck);
+ if ($daoCheck->fetch()) {
+ $valSqlAdditionInsert = "
+FROM {$contactTable}
+INNER JOIN {$additionReminderClause}
+WHERE {$addWhere} AND c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.is_deceased = 0
+GROUP BY reminder.contact_id
+ $daoForVals = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($valSqlAdditionInsert);
+ $addValues = array();
+ while ($daoForVals->fetch()) {
+ $addValues[] = "( {$daoForVals->contact_id}, {$daoForVals->entity_id}, '{$daoForVals->entity_table}',{$daoForVals->action_schedule_id} )";
+ }
+ $valString = implode(',', $addValues);
+ if ($valString) {
+ $query = '
+ INSERT INTO civicrm_action_log (contact_id, entity_id, entity_table, action_schedule_id) VALUES ' . $valString;
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
+ }
+ }
+ }