// return error
return FALSE;
- // Generate var $migrationInfo. The variable structure is exactly same as
- // $formValues submitted during a UI merge for a pair of contacts.
- $rowsElementsAndInfo = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getRowsElementsAndInfo($mainId, $otherId, $checkPermissions);
- // add additional details that we might need to resolve conflicts
- $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info']['main_details'] = &$rowsElementsAndInfo['main_details'];
- $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info']['other_details'] = &$rowsElementsAndInfo['other_details'];
- $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info']['rows'] = &$rowsElementsAndInfo['rows'];
- self::dedupePair($rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info'], $resultStats, $deletedContacts, $mode, $checkPermissions, $mainId, $otherId, $cacheKeyString);
+ self::dedupePair($resultStats, $deletedContacts, $mode, $checkPermissions, $mainId, $otherId, $cacheKeyString);
if ($cacheKeyString && !$redirectForPerformance) {
* Dedupe a pair of contacts.
- * @param array $migrationInfo
* @param array $resultStats
* @param array $deletedContacts
* @param string $mode
* @param int $mainId
* @param int $otherId
* @param string $cacheKeyString
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- protected static function dedupePair(&$migrationInfo, &$resultStats, &$deletedContacts, $mode, $checkPermissions, $mainId, $otherId, $cacheKeyString) {
+ protected static function dedupePair(&$resultStats, &$deletedContacts, $mode, $checkPermissions, $mainId, $otherId, $cacheKeyString) {
+ // Generate var $migrationInfo. The variable structure is exactly same as
+ // $formValues submitted during a UI merge for a pair of contacts.
+ $rowsElementsAndInfo = CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getRowsElementsAndInfo($mainId, $otherId, $checkPermissions);
+ // add additional details that we might need to resolve conflicts
+ $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info']['main_details'] = &$rowsElementsAndInfo['main_details'];
+ $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info']['other_details'] = &$rowsElementsAndInfo['other_details'];
+ $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info']['rows'] = &$rowsElementsAndInfo['rows'];
+ $migrationInfo = $rowsElementsAndInfo['migration_info'];
// go ahead with merge if there is no conflict
$conflicts = [];
if (!CRM_Dedupe_Merger::skipMerge($mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo, $mode, $conflicts)) {