<tr class="crm-relationship-form-block-related_contact_id">
<td class="label">{$form.related_contact_id.label}</td>
- {* remove crm-select2 class - hack to prevent widget from being initialized so we can mess with it first *}
- <td>{$form.related_contact_id.html|crmReplace:class:'crm-form-entityref'}</td>
+ <td>{$form.related_contact_id.html}</td>
<tr class="crm-relationship-form-block-is_current_employer" style="display:none;">
<td class="label">{$form.is_current_employer.label}</td>
$('[name=relationship_type_id]', $form).change(function() {
val = $(this).val(),
- $contactField = $('[name=related_contact_id][type=text].crm-form-entityref', $form);
+ $contactField = $('#related_contact_id[type=text]', $form);
if (!val && $contactField.length) {
.prop('disabled', true)
- .attr('placeholder', {/literal}'{ts escape='js'}- first select relationship type -{/ts}'{literal});
- // Re-render select2 element
- CRM.utils.buildSelect2Element.call($contactField);
+ .attr('placeholder', {/literal}'{ts escape='js'}- first select relationship type -{/ts}'{literal})
+ .change();
else if (val) {
contact_sub_type = relationshipData[rType]['contact_sub_type_' + target];
// ContactField only exists for ADD action, not update
if ($contactField.length) {
- var
- profiles = $.parseJSON($contactField.attr('data-create-links')),
- placeholder = {/literal}'{ts escape='js' 1=%1}- select %1 -{/ts}'{literal},
- params = {params: {}};
+ var api = {params: {}};
if (contact_type) {
- profiles = _.where(profiles, {name: 'new_' + contact_type.toLowerCase()});
- params.params.contact_type = contact_type;
+ api.params.contact_type = contact_type;
if (contact_sub_type) {
- params.params.contact_sub_type = contact_sub_type;
- // Todo: pass sub-type to new contact profile otherwise relationship create will fail. Disabling it completely for now.
- profiles = [];
+ api.params.contact_sub_type = contact_sub_type;
+ // Todo: pass sub-type to new contact profile otherwise relationship create will fail. Disabling it completely for now.
+ $contactField.data('create-links', !contact_sub_type);
.prop('disabled', false)
- .data('create-links', profiles)
- .data('api-params', params)
- .attr('placeholder', relationshipData[rType]['placeholder_' + target]);
- // Re-render select2 element
- CRM.utils.buildSelect2Element.call($contactField);
+ .data('api-params', api)
+ .attr('placeholder', relationshipData[rType]['placeholder_' + target])
+ .change();
// Show/hide employer field