// 19 to 22 inch rack adapter
// Change these to adjust the total adapter size
-full_length = 80;
+full_length = 100;
full_width = 44.23;
full_height = 45;
// Change these to adjust the interface to your device
-support_bracket_thickness = 10;
+support_bracket_thickness = 9;
support_bracket_base_thickness = 2.5;
-support_bracket_hole_y_offset = 18;
-support_bracket_hole_z_offset = 18;
-support_bracket_hole_r = 2;
+support_bracket_hole_r = 2.9 / 2;
+support_bracket_hole_y_offset = support_bracket_hole_r + 11;
+support_bracket_hole_z_offset = support_bracket_hole_r + 15.75;
+support_bracket_hole_z_offset_top = support_bracket_hole_r + 35.75;
// Change these to adjust the interface to your rack (should be standard)
rack_mount_length = 20;
rack_mount_thickness = 2.5;
-rack_mount_hole_r = 6.5 / 2;
-rack_mount_hole_x_offset = (11.75 / 2) + 5.3;
+rack_mount_hole_r = 7.5 / 2;
+rack_mount_hole_x_offset = rack_mount_hole_r + 5.3;
rack_mount_hole_y_offset = rack_mount_hole_r + 2.9;
// Add two triangle supports that end at the start of the interface to the rack.
// Builds the full object
-module rack_adapter(length, width, height, rack_length, rack_thickness, rack_hole_r, rack_hole_x_offset, rack_hole_y_offset, support_thickness, support_base_thickness, support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset, support_hole_r) {
+module rack_adapter(length, width, height, rack_length, rack_thickness, rack_hole_r, rack_hole_x_offset, rack_hole_y_offset, support_thickness, support_base_thickness, support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset, support_hole_z_offset_top, support_hole_r) {
support_length = length - rack_length;
support_screw_hole(height, support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset, support_hole_r);
support_screw_hole(height, width - support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset, support_hole_r);
- support_screw_hole(height, support_hole_y_offset, height - support_hole_z_offset, support_hole_r);
- support_screw_hole(height, width - support_hole_y_offset, height - support_hole_z_offset, support_hole_r);
+ support_screw_hole(height, support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset_top, support_hole_r);
+ support_screw_hole(height, width - support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset_top, support_hole_r);
// Call the main construct
-rack_adapter(full_length, full_width, full_height, rack_mount_length, rack_mount_thickness, rack_mount_hole_r, rack_mount_hole_x_offset, rack_mount_hole_y_offset, support_bracket_thickness, support_bracket_base_thickness, support_bracket_hole_y_offset, support_bracket_hole_z_offset, support_bracket_hole_r);
+rack_adapter(full_length, full_width, full_height, rack_mount_length, rack_mount_thickness, rack_mount_hole_r, rack_mount_hole_x_offset, rack_mount_hole_y_offset, support_bracket_thickness, support_bracket_base_thickness, support_bracket_hole_y_offset, support_bracket_hole_z_offset, support_bracket_hole_z_offset_top, support_bracket_hole_r);
--- /dev/null
+// This code is licensensed under:
+// Creative Commons CC0 (public domain)
+// https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+// Created by Andrew Engelbrecht 2016
+// ssd-spacer.escad is an ImplicitCAD/OpenSCAD description
+// of a spacer to place between an SSD and the other side
+// of a server's 3.5" drive caddy.
+height = 13;
+width = 101.6 - 69.85 - 0.5; // -0.5 gives a little wiggle room
+length = 99;
+wallWidth = 2.5;
+floorHeight = 2;
+wallCurveRadius = height - floorHeight;
+ssdScrewHeight = 3;
+ssdScrewDistance1 = 14;
+ssdScrewDistance2 = 90.5;
+ssdScrewRadius = 1.75;
+ssdScrewdriverRadius = 4;
+caddyScrewHeight = 6.35;
+caddyScrewDistance1 = 28;
+caddyScrewDistance2 = 69.5;
+caddyScrewRadius = 1.35; // smaller for grip
+caddyNutSpaceRadius = 4;
+sigmoidSteepness = -0.49;
+sigmoidCenterOffset = width / 2 - wallWidth - 5;
+sigmoidHeight = floorHeight;
+big = 1000; // arbitrarily big number
+module screwHole (radius, x, y, z, angle) {
+ translate (x, y, z) {
+ rotate ([0,angle,0]) {
+ linear_extrude (big) {
+ circle (radius);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// helper module for creating screw head, nut, and/or screw driver access
+module accessSpaceHelper (radius, x, y, z, length, angle, translateFunction) {
+ translate (x, y, z) {
+ rotate ([90, angle, 0]) {
+ linear_extrude (length, translate (h) = translateFunction (h)) {
+ union () {
+ circle (radius);
+ translate (-radius) {
+ square (radius * 2, big);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// creates linearly extruded space for screw head and nut
+module accessSpaceLinear (radius, x, y, z, length, angle) {
+ function dontTranslate (h) = [0, 0];
+ accessSpaceHelper(radius, x, y, z, length, angle, dontTranslate);
+// creates curved screw head and screwdriver access space
+module accessSpaceSigmoid (radius, x, y, z, length, angle) {
+ function sigmoidFunc (h) = [0, sigmoidHeight / (1 + exp (sigmoidSteepness * (h - sigmoidCenterOffset)))];
+ accessSpaceHelper(radius, x, y, z, length, angle, sigmoidFunc);
+module main () {
+ difference () {
+ // outer shape: a box
+ linear_extrude (height) {
+ square (width, length);
+ }
+ // cut away center leaving curves along walls
+ translate (wallWidth - big / 2, wallWidth - big / 2, floorHeight) {
+ intersection () {
+ translate (big / 2, 0, 0) {
+ linear_extrude (height = big, r = wallCurveRadius) {
+ square (big, big);
+ }
+ }
+ translate (0, big / 2, 0) {
+ linear_extrude (height = big, r = wallCurveRadius) {
+ square (big, big);
+ }
+ }
+ translate (width - big / 2 - wallWidth * 2, 0, 0) {
+ linear_extrude (height = big, r = wallCurveRadius) {
+ square (big, big);
+ }
+ }
+ translate (0, length - big / 2 - wallWidth * 2, 0) {
+ linear_extrude (height = big) {
+ square (big, big);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ssd screw holes and and access
+ union () {
+ for (distance = [ssdScrewDistance1, ssdScrewDistance2]) {
+ screwHole (ssdScrewRadius, wallWidth * 2, distance, ssdScrewHeight, 270);
+ // curved space for screw head and screw driver
+ accessSpaceSigmoid (ssdScrewdriverRadius, wallWidth, distance, ssdScrewdriverRadius, width - wallWidth, 90);
+ }
+ }
+ // caddy screw holes and and washer space
+ union () {
+ for (distance = [caddyScrewDistance1, caddyScrewDistance2]) {
+ screwHole (caddyScrewRadius, width - wallWidth * 2, distance, caddyScrewHeight, 90);
+ // linear space for optional nut
+ accessSpaceLinear (caddyNutSpaceRadius, width - wallWidth, distance, caddyScrewHeight, width / 2 - wallWidth, 270);
+ }
+ }
+ }