use Civi\Api4\Contact;
+use Civi\Api4\RelationshipType;
require_once 'CRM/Utils/DeprecatedUtils.php';
require_once 'api/v3/utils.php';
protected $_statusFieldName;
protected $fieldMetadata = [];
+ /**
+ * Relationship labels.
+ *
+ * Temporary cache of labels to reduce queries in getRelationshipLabels.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ * e.g ['5a_b' => 'Employer', '5b_a' => 'Employee']
+ */
+ protected $relationshipLabels = [];
* On duplicate
+ /**
+ * Get the civicrm_mapping_field appropriate layout for the mapper input.
+ *
+ * The input looks something like ['street_address', 1]
+ * and would be mapped to ['name' => 'street_address', 'location_type_id' =>
+ * 1]
+ *
+ * @param array $fieldMapping
+ * @param int $mappingID
+ * @param int $columnNumber
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ public function getMappingFieldFromMapperInput(array $fieldMapping, int $mappingID, int $columnNumber): array {
+ $isRelationshipField = preg_match('/\d*_a_b|b_a$/', $fieldMapping[0]);
+ $fieldName = $isRelationshipField ? $fieldMapping[1] : $fieldMapping[0];
+ $locationTypeID = NULL;
+ $possibleLocationField = $isRelationshipField ? 2 : 1;
+ if ($fieldName !== 'url' && is_numeric($fieldMapping[$possibleLocationField] ?? NULL)) {
+ $locationTypeID = $fieldMapping[$possibleLocationField];
+ }
+ return [
+ 'name' => $fieldName,
+ 'mapping_id' => $mappingID,
+ 'relationship_type_id' => $isRelationshipField ? substr($fieldMapping[0], 0, -4) : NULL,
+ 'relationship_direction' => $isRelationshipField ? substr($fieldMapping[0], -3) : NULL,
+ 'column_number' => $columnNumber,
+ 'contact_type' => $this->getContactType(),
+ 'website_type_id' => $fieldName !== 'url' ? NULL : ($isRelationshipField ? $fieldMapping[2] : $fieldMapping[1]),
+ 'phone_type_id' => $fieldName !== 'phone' ? NULL : ($isRelationshipField ? $fieldMapping[3] : $fieldMapping[2]),
+ 'im_provider_id' => $fieldName !== 'im' ? NULL : ($isRelationshipField ? $fieldMapping[3] : $fieldMapping[2]),
+ 'location_type_id' => $locationTypeID,
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $mappedField
+ * Field detail as would be saved in field_mapping table
+ * or as returned from getMappingFieldFromMapperInput
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ public function getMappedFieldLabel(array $mappedField): string {
+ $this->setFieldMetadata();
+ $title = [];
+ if ($mappedField['relationship_type_id']) {
+ $title[] = $this->getRelationshipLabel($mappedField['relationship_type_id'], $mappedField['relationship_direction']);
+ }
+ $title[] = $this->getImportableFieldsMetadata()[$mappedField['name']]['title'];
+ if ($mappedField['location_type_id']) {
+ $title[] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Core_BAO_Address', 'location_type_id', $mappedField['location_type_id']);
+ }
+ if ($mappedField['website_type_id']) {
+ $title[] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Core_BAO_Website', 'website_type_id', $mappedField['website_type_id']);
+ }
+ if ($mappedField['phone_type_id']) {
+ $title[] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id', $mappedField['phone_type_id']);
+ }
+ if ($mappedField['im_provider_id']) {
+ $title[] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getLabel('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'provider_id', $mappedField['provider_id']);
+ }
+ return implode(' - ', $title);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the relevant label for the relationship.
+ *
+ * @param int $id
+ * @param string $direction
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ protected function getRelationshipLabel(int $id, string $direction): string {
+ if (empty($this->relationshipLabels[$id . $direction])) {
+ $this->relationshipLabels[$id . $direction] =
+ $fieldName = 'label_' . $direction;
+ $this->relationshipLabels[$id . $direction] = (string) RelationshipType::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $id)
+ ->addSelect($fieldName)->execute()->first()[$fieldName];
+ }
+ return $this->relationshipLabels[$id . $direction];
+ }