$priority = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::priority();
$defaults['priority_id'] = array_search('Normal', $priority);
+ if (!CRM_Utils_Array::value('status_id', $defaults)) {
+ $defaults['status_id'] = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getDefaultValue('activity_status');
+ }
return $defaults;
return NULL;
+ /**
+ * Get option_value.value from default option_value row for an option group
+ *
+ * @param string $groupName the name of the option group
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ *
+ * @return string the value from the row where is_default = true
+ */
+ static function getDefaultValue($groupName) {
+ if (empty($groupName)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ $query = "
+SELECT v.value
+FROM civicrm_option_value v,
+ civicrm_option_group g
+WHERE v.option_group_id = g.id
+ AND g.name = %1
+ AND v.is_active = 1
+ AND g.is_active = 1
+ AND v.is_default = 1
+ if (in_array($groupName, self::$_domainIDGroups)) {
+ $query .= " AND v.domain_id = " . CRM_Core_Config::domainID();
+ }
+ $p = array(1 => array($groupName, 'String'));
+ return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query, $p);
+ }
* Creates a new option group with the passed in values
* @TODO: Should update the group if it already exists intelligently, so multi-lingual is