* CRM-12691: Create PCP link is hard to discover and link in user guide is incomplete
<span class="description">
{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal || $config->userFramework EQ 'WordPress'}
{ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br />
- <em>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$pageId`&component=`$context`"}</em>
+ <em>{crmURL a=1 fe=1 p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$pageId`&component=`$context`"}</em>
{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
{ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this event.{/ts}
{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal || $config->userFramework EQ 'WordPress'}
{ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br />
- <em>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=<id of contribution page or event>&component=<contribute or event>"}</em>
+ <em>{crmURL a=1 fe=1 p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=<id of contribution page or event>&component=<contribute or event>"}</em>
{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
{ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this event.{/ts}