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<li class="item active">
- <img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2015/site/graphics/carousel/lp2015-open-house-carousel.jpg" alt="[ The Friday open house before the conference ]">
- <p class="carousel-caption-tl" style="font-size: larger; font-weight: bold;">Thanks for making LibrePlanet 2016 great! <a href="https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/libreplanet-2016-highlights-and-what-comes-next">Read the wrap-up</a> or use the form above to subscribe for updates on the 2016 conference.</p>
- </li>
+ <img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2015/site/graphics/crockford_and_levy_2014.jpg"
+ alt="[ Two speakers at LibrePlanet 2014]">
+ <p class="carousel-caption-tr">
+ Call for Sessions open until November 16th.<br><a href="https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/profile/create?gid=325&reset=1">Submit a proposal today.</a><br>
+ </li>
+ <li class="item active">
+ <img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2015/site/graphics/carousel/lp2015-open-house-carousel.jpg" alt="[ The Friday open house before the conference ]">
+ <p class="carousel-caption-tl" style="font-size: larger; font-weight: bold;">Thanks for making LibrePlanet 2016 great! <a href="https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/libreplanet-2016-highlights-and-what-comes-next">Read the wrap-up</a> or use the form above to subscribe for updates on the 2016 conference.</p>
+ </li>
<li class="item">
<img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2014/site/carousel/gnu30_hackers.jpg"
alt="[ Apply for a scholarship ]">
-<li class="item active">
-<img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2016/site/graphics/crockford_and_levy_2014.jpg"
-alt="[ Two speakers at LibrePlanet 2014]">
-<p class="carousel-caption-tr">
-Call for Sessions open until November 9th.<br><a href="call_for_sessions">Submit a proposal today.</a><br>
<li class="item active">
<img src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/2014/site/carousel/stata_center.jpg"
alt="[MIT's Stata Center]">
</li> -->
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<p>If you attended LibrePlanet 2016, please fill out our <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2016/feedback">feedback survey</a> so we can make the conference even better next year!</p></div>
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<p class="lead">LibrePlanet is an annual conference for free software enthusiasts. LibrePlanet brings together software developers, policy experts, activists and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments and face challenges to software freedom. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2016 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels.</p>
-<p>This year, the theme of LibrePlanet is "Free Software Everywhere." The weekend's sessions touch on the many places and ways that free software is used around the world, as well as strategizing ways to make free software ubiquitous. We'll talk about some contexts where free software is thriving, and some others where it needs a push. We'll hear from people who have worked to gain a foothold for free software in their workplace or community. We'll explore the state of software freedom on all of the myriad pieces of hardware we use, including laptops, phones, tablets, and even coffee makers. At LibrePlanet, we're taking software freedom around the world, to outer space, and through all kinds of industries, governments, organizations, fields of study, and communities.</p>
+<p>This year, the theme of LibrePlanet is "For the System." Instead of focusing on software, we'll look at the role of forks in our lives. Big forks, small forks, forks stuck in pasta and forks in the home and bath section of National Wholesale Liquidators. If you wanted to come to a conference about free software, sorry!</p>
-<p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="https://my.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom">Become a member now</a>.<!-- Registration opens in October - sign up above to receive updates.--></p>
+<p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="https://crm.fsf.org/join">Become a member now</a>.<!-- Registration opens in October - sign up above to receive updates.--></p>
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