Rainbow Stream\r
-|Download| |Version|\r
+.. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/rainbowstream.svg?style=flat\r
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rainbowstream\r
+.. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/rainbowstream.svg?style=flat\r
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rainbowstream\r
Terminal-based Twitter Client. Realtime tweetstream, compose, search ,\r
favorite … and much more fun directly from terminal.\r
-This package is built on top of `Python Twitter Tool`_ and `Twitter API`_.\r
+This package is built on the top of `Python Twitter Tool`_ and `Twitter API`_.\r
-|rainbowstream| |rainbowstreamIOT|\r
+.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/master/screenshot/RainbowStream.png\r
+ :alt: rainbowstream\r
+.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/master/screenshot/RainbowStreamIOT.png\r
+ :alt: rainbowstreamIOT\r
and see your stream.\r
-I shipped a feature which can display **tweet’s images directly on\r
-terminal**. You can try it with:\r
+I shipped a feature which can display **tweet's images directly on terminal**.\r
+You can try it with:\r
.. code:: bash\r
In the first time you will be asked for authorization of Rainbow Stream\r
app at Twitter. Just click the “Authorize access” button and paste PIN\r
-number to the terminal, the rainbow will start\r
+number to the terminal, the rainbow will start.\r
The interactive mode\r
**Action Commands**\r
- ``trend`` will show global trending topics. ``trend US`` will show\r
- trends in United States while ``trend JP Tokyo`` will show trends in\r
- Tokyo/Japan.\r
+ trends in United States while ``trend JP Tokyo`` will show trends\r
+ in Tokyo/Japan.\r
- ``home`` will show your timeline. ``home 10`` will print exactly 10\r
- ``view @mdo`` will show @mdo ’s timeline. ``view @dmo 9`` will print\r
exactly 9 tweets.\r
-- ``mentions`` will show mentions timeline. ``mentions 7`` will show 7\r
- mention tweets.\r
+- ``mentions`` will show mentions timeline. ``mentions 7`` will show\r
+ 7 mention tweets.\r
- ``t the rainbow is god's promise to noah`` will tweet exactly *‘the\r
- rainbow is god’s promise to noah’*.\r
+ rainbow is god’s promise to noah’*\r
- ``rt 12`` will retweet the tweet with *[id=12]*. You can see id of\r
each tweet beside the time.\r
- ``ufav 12`` will unfavorite tweet with *[id=12]*.\r
-- ``s #noah`` will search the word *‘noah’*. Result will come back with\r
- highlight.\r
+- ``s #noah`` will search the word *‘noah’*. Result will come back\r
+ with highlight.\r
- ``mes @dtvd88 hi`` will send a ``hi`` message to @dtvd88.\r
-- ``show image 12`` will show the image in tweet with *[id=12]* in your\r
- OS’s image viewer.\r
+- ``show image 12`` will show the image in tweet with *[id=12]* in your OS's image viewer.\r
-- ``ls fl`` will list all your followers (people who are following\r
- you).\r
+- ``ls fl`` will list all your followers (people who are following you).\r
- ``ls fr`` will list all your friends (people who you are following).\r
-- ``inbox`` will show inbox messages. ``inbox 7`` will show newest 7\r
- messages.\r
+- ``inbox`` will show inbox messages. ``inbox 7`` will show newest\r
+ 7 message.\r
-- ``sent`` will show sent messages. ``sent 7`` will show newest 7\r
- messages.\r
+- ``sent`` will show sent messages. ``sent 7`` will show newest\r
+ 7 message.\r
-- ``trash 5`` will remove message with *[message\_id=5]*\r
+- ``trash 5`` will remove message with *[message_id=5]*.\r
- ``whois @dtvd88`` will show profile of @dtvd88.\r
**Stream Commands**\r
-- ``switch public #AKB48`` will switch current stream to public stream\r
- and track keyword ``AKB48``\r
+- ``switch public #AKB48`` will switch current stream to public stream and track keyword ``AKB48``\r
- ``switch public #AKB48 -f`` will do exactly as above but will ask you\r
to provide 2 list:\r
``Only nicks`` decide what nicks will be include only.\r
- ``Ignore nicks``\ decide what nicks will be exclude.\r
+ ``Ignore nicks`` decide what nicks will be exclude.\r
- ``switch public #AKB48 -d`` will apply filter to *ONLY\_LIST* and\r
*IGNORE\_LIST*. You can setup 2 list above at ``config.py``\r
- ``switch mine`` will switch current stream to personal stream. ``-f``\r
and ``-d`` will work as well.\r
For example see the screenshot above.\r
Bug Report\r
-Please `create an issue`_ or contact me at\r
+Please `create an issue`_ or contact me at `@dtvd88`_\r
.. _Python Twitter Tool: http://mike.verdone.ca/twitter/\r
.. _Twitter API: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1\r
+.. _EarthQuake: https://github.com/jugyo/earthquake\r
.. _create an issue: https://github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream/issues/new\r
-.. |Download| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/rainbowstream.svg?style=flat\r
- :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rainbowstream\r
-.. |Version| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/rainbowstream.svg?style=flat\r
- :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rainbowstream\r
-.. |rainbowstream| image:: ./screenshot/RainbowStream.png\r
-.. |rainbowstreamIOT| image:: ./screenshot/RainbowStreamIOT.png\r
+.. _@dtvd88: https://twitter.com/dtvd88\r