* @param array $criteria
* Criteria to use in the filter.
+ * @param bool $checkPermissions
+ * Respect logged in user permissions.
+ *
* @return array|bool
- public static function batchMerge($rgid, $gid = NULL, $mode = 'safe', $autoFlip = TRUE, $batchLimit = 1, $isSelected = 2, $criteria = array()) {
+ public static function batchMerge($rgid, $gid = NULL, $mode = 'safe', $autoFlip = TRUE, $batchLimit = 1, $isSelected = 2, $criteria = array(), $checkPermissions = TRUE) {
$redirectForPerformance = ($batchLimit > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$reloadCacheIfEmpty = (!$redirectForPerformance && $isSelected == 2);
- $dupePairs = self::getDuplicatePairs($rgid, $gid, $reloadCacheIfEmpty, $batchLimit, $isSelected, '', ($mode == 'aggressive'), $criteria);
+ $dupePairs = self::getDuplicatePairs($rgid, $gid, $reloadCacheIfEmpty, $batchLimit, $isSelected, '', ($mode == 'aggressive'), $criteria, $checkPermissions);
$cacheParams = array(
- 'cache_key_string' => self::getMergeCacheKeyString($rgid, $gid, $criteria),
+ 'cache_key_string' => self::getMergeCacheKeyString($rgid, $gid, $criteria, $checkPermissions),
// @todo stop passing these parameters in & instead calculate them in the merge function based
// on the 'real' params like $isRespectExclusions $batchLimit and $isSelected.
'join' => self::getJoinOnDedupeTable(),
'where' => self::getWhereString($batchLimit, $isSelected),
- return CRM_Dedupe_Merger::merge($dupePairs, $cacheParams, $mode, $autoFlip, $redirectForPerformance);
+ return CRM_Dedupe_Merger::merge($dupePairs, $cacheParams, $mode, $autoFlip, $redirectForPerformance, $checkPermissions);
* A 'safe' value skips the merge if there are any un-resolved conflicts.
* Does a force merge otherwise (aggressive mode).
* @param bool $autoFlip to let api decide which contact to retain and which to delete.
- * Wether to let api decide which contact to retain and which to delete.
- *
+ * Whether to let api decide which contact to retain and which to delete.
* @param bool $redirectForPerformance
+ * Redirect to a url for batch processing.
+ *
+ * @param bool $checkPermissions
+ * Respect logged in user permissions.
* @return array|bool
public static function merge($dupePairs = array(), $cacheParams = array(), $mode = 'safe',
- $autoFlip = TRUE, $redirectForPerformance = FALSE
+ $autoFlip = TRUE, $redirectForPerformance = FALSE, $checkPermissions = TRUE
) {
$cacheKeyString = CRM_Utils_Array::value('cache_key_string', $cacheParams);
$resultStats = array('merged' => array(), 'skipped' => array());
// go ahead with merge if there is no conflict
$conflicts = array();
if (!CRM_Dedupe_Merger::skipMerge($mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo, $mode, $conflicts)) {
- CRM_Dedupe_Merger::moveAllBelongings($mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo);
+ CRM_Dedupe_Merger::moveAllBelongings($mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo, $checkPermissions);
$resultStats['merged'][] = array('main_id' => $mainId, 'other_id' => $otherId);
$deletedContacts[] = $otherId;
* to move all fields from the 'other' contact to the 'main' contact, as
* though the form had been submitted with those options.
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Exception
public static function getRowsElementsAndInfo($mainId, $otherId) {
$qfZeroBug = 'e8cddb72-a257-11dc-b9cc-0016d3330ee9';
* @param $migrationInfo
+ * @param bool $checkPermissions
+ * Respect logged in user permissions.
+ *
* @return bool
- public static function moveAllBelongings($mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo) {
+ public static function moveAllBelongings($mainId, $otherId, $migrationInfo, $checkPermissions = TRUE) {
if (empty($migrationInfo)) {
return FALSE;
- if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('merge duplicate contacts') &&
- CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete contacts')
+ if (!$checkPermissions || (CRM_Core_Permission::check('merge duplicate contacts') &&
+ CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete contacts'))
) {
// if ext id is submitted then set it null for contact to be deleted
if (!empty($submitted['external_identifier'])) {
$query = "UPDATE civicrm_contact SET external_identifier = null WHERE id = {$otherId}";
civicrm_api3('contact', 'delete', array('id' => $otherId));
- CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::deleteItem($otherId);
- // FIXME: else part
- // else {
- // CRM_Core_Session::setStatus( ts('Do not have sufficient permission to delete duplicate contact.') );
- // }
// CRM-15681 merge sub_types
if ($other_sub_types = CRM_Utils_array::value('contact_sub_type', $migrationInfo['other_details'])) {
* @param bool $reloadCacheIfEmpty
* @param int $batchLimit
* @param bool $isSelected
- * @param array $orderByClause
+ * @param array|string $orderByClause
* @param bool $includeConflicts
* @param array $criteria
* Additional criteria to narrow down the merge group.
+ * @param bool $checkPermissions
+ * Respect logged in user permissions.
+ *
* @return array
- * Array of matches meeting the criteria.
+ * Array of matches meeting the criteria.
- public static function getDuplicatePairs($rule_group_id, $group_id, $reloadCacheIfEmpty, $batchLimit, $isSelected, $orderByClause = '', $includeConflicts = TRUE, $criteria = array()) {
+ public static function getDuplicatePairs($rule_group_id, $group_id, $reloadCacheIfEmpty, $batchLimit, $isSelected, $orderByClause = '', $includeConflicts = TRUE, $criteria = array(), $checkPermissions = TRUE) {
$where = self::getWhereString($batchLimit, $isSelected);
- $cacheKeyString = self::getMergeCacheKeyString($rule_group_id, $group_id, $criteria);
+ $cacheKeyString = self::getMergeCacheKeyString($rule_group_id, $group_id, $criteria, $checkPermissions);
$join = self::getJoinOnDedupeTable();
$dupePairs = CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::retrieve($cacheKeyString, $join, $where, 0, 0, array(), $orderByClause, $includeConflicts);
if (empty($dupePairs) && $reloadCacheIfEmpty) {
// If we haven't found any dupes, probably cache is empty.
// Try filling cache and give another try. We don't need to specify include conflicts here are there will not be any
// until we have done some processing.
- CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::refillCache($rule_group_id, $group_id, $cacheKeyString, $criteria);
+ CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::refillCache($rule_group_id, $group_id, $cacheKeyString, $criteria, $checkPermissions);
$dupePairs = CRM_Core_BAO_PrevNextCache::retrieve($cacheKeyString, $join, $where, 0, 0, array(), $orderByClause, $includeConflicts);
return $dupePairs;
* Additional criteria to narrow down the merge group.
* Currently we are only supporting the key 'contact' within it.
+ * @param bool $checkPermissions
+ * Respect the users permissions.
+ *
* @return string
- public static function getMergeCacheKeyString($rule_group_id, $group_id, $criteria = array()) {
+ public static function getMergeCacheKeyString($rule_group_id, $group_id, $criteria = array(), $checkPermissions = TRUE) {
$contactType = CRM_Dedupe_BAO_RuleGroup::getContactTypeForRuleGroup($rule_group_id);
$cacheKeyString = "merge {$contactType}";
$cacheKeyString .= $rule_group_id ? "_{$rule_group_id}" : '_0';
$cacheKeyString .= $group_id ? "_{$group_id}" : '_0';
$cacheKeyString .= !empty($criteria) ? serialize($criteria) : '_0';
+ if ($checkPermissions) {
+ $contactID = CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID();
+ if (!$contactID) {
+ // Distinguish between no permission check & no logged in user.
+ $contactID = 'null';
+ }
+ $cacheKeyString .= '_' . $contactID;
+ }
+ else {
+ $cacheKeyString .= '_0';
+ }
return $cacheKeyString;