<td class="label">{$form.attachFile_1.label}</td>
<td>{$form.attachFile_1.html} {$form.attachDesc_1.html}<span class="crm-clear-link">(<a href="#" onclick="clearAttachment( '#attachFile_1', '#attachDesc_1' ); return false;">{ts}clear{/ts}</a>)</span><br />
- <span class="description">{ts}Browse to the <strong>file</strong> you want to upload.{/ts}{if $maxAttachments GT 1} {ts 1=$maxAttachments}You can have a maximum of %1 attachment(s).{/ts}{/if} Each file must be less than {$config->maxFileSize}M in size. You can also add a short description.</span>
+ <span class="description">{ts}Browse to the <strong>file</strong> you want to upload.{/ts}{if $maxAttachments GT 1} {ts 1=$maxAttachments}You can have a maximum of %1 attachment(s).{/ts}{/if} {ts 1=$config->maxFileSize}Each file must be less than %1M in size. You can also add a short description.{/ts}</span>
{if $form.tag_1.html}