* correctly.
if (checkForJavascript()) {
- /**
- * Some people may choose to disable javascript even though their
- * browser is capable of using it. So these freaks don't complain,
- * use document.write() so the "Check Spelling" button is not
- * displayed if js is off in the browser.
- */
- $output = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n".
- "<!--\n".
- 'document.write("<input type=\"button\" value=\"'.
- _("Check Spelling").
- '\" name=\"check_spelling\" onclick=\"window.open(\'../plugins/squirrelspell/sqspell_'.
- 'interface.php\', \'sqspell\', \'status=yes,width=550,height=370,'.
- 'resizable=yes\')\" />");' . "\n".
- "//-->\n".
- "</script>\n";
+ global $oTemplate, $base_uri;
+ $nbsp = $oTemplate->fetch('non_breaking_space.tpl');
+ $output = addButton(_("Check Spelling"),
+ 'check_spelling',
+ array('onclick' => 'window.open(\'' . $base_uri
+ . '/plugins/squirrelspell/sqspell_interface.php\', \'sqspell\', \'status=yes,width=550,height=370,resizable=yes\')')) . $nbsp;
return array('compose_button_row' => $output);