- 'country',
+ 'county',
+ 'country',
foreach ($addressFields as $field) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $addressSequence)) {
$addField = $field;
$type = 'Text';
- if (in_array($field, array(
- 'state_province', 'country'))) {
+ if (in_array($field, array('state_province', 'country', 'county'))) {
$addField = "{$field}_id";
- $type = 'Select2';
+ $type = 'Select';
$elements["onbehalf_{$field}-{$locTypeId}"] = array(
- 'fld' => $field,
- 'locTypeId' => $locTypeId,
'type' => $type,
'value' => isset($location['address'][1]) ? $location['address'][1][$addField] : null,
* This file provides the HTML for the on-behalf-of form.
* Also used for related contact edit form.
* FIXME: This is way more complex than it needs to be
- * FIXME: About 1% of this javascript is needed for contribution forms
* FIXME: Why are we not just using the dynamic form tpl to display this profile?
function resetValues() {
- cj('input[type=text], select, textarea', "#select_org div").not('#onbehalfof_id').val('').change();
- cj('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]', "#select_org tr td").prop('checked', false).change();
+ // Don't trip chain-select when clearing values
+ cj('.crm-chain-select-control', "#select_org div").select2('val', '');
+ cj('input[type=text], select, textarea', "#select_org div").not('.crm-chain-select-control, #onbehalfof_id').val('').change();
+ cj('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]', "#select_org div").prop('checked', false).change();
function createNew( ) {
timeout : 5000, //Time in milliseconds
success : function(data, status) {
for (var ele in data) {
+ if (cj("#"+ ele).hasClass('crm-chain-select-target')) {
+ cj("#"+ ele).data('newVal', data[ele].value).off('.autofill').on('crmOptionsUpdated.autofill', function() {console.log(this.id, cj(this).data('newVal'));
+ cj(this).off('.autofill').val(cj(this).data('newVal')).change();
+ });
+ }
if (data[ele].type == 'Radio') {
if (data[ele].value) {
cj("input[name='"+ ele +"']").filter("[value=" + data[ele].value + "]").prop('checked', true);
cj('#' + ele + " option[value='" + selectedOption + "']").prop('selected', true);
- else if (data[ele].type == 'Select2') {
- if (data[ele].fld == 'country') {
- cj('#' + ele ).select2('val', data[ele].value).change(function() {
- var stateField = 'onbehalf_state_province-' + data[ele].locTypeId;
- if (stateField.length > 0 ) {
- cj('#' + stateField).select2('val', data[stateField].value);
- }
- }).change();
- }
- }
else if (data[ele].type == 'Autocomplete-Select') {
cj('#' + ele ).val( data[ele].value );
cj('#' + ele + '_id').val(data[ele].id);
else {
- cj('#' + ele ).val(data[ele].value);
+ cj('#' + ele ).val(data[ele].value).change();