{htxt id="id-pcp_intro_help"}
{ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, constituents will see a link inviting them to create their own fundraising page after making a contribution.{/ts}
-{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal}
- {ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br /><br />
- <strong>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$params.pageId`&component=contribute"}</strong></dd>
-{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
- {ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this contribution page.{/ts}
{htxt id="id-approval_needed-title"}
{htxt id="id-link_text"}
{ts}Text for the link inviting constituents to create a Personal Contribution Page. This link will appear on the Contribution Thank-you page as well as on each Personal Campaign Page.{/ts}
-{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal}
- {ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, you can also place additional links (or menu items) inviting constituents to create personal fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br /><br />
- <strong>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$params.pageId`&component=contribute"}</strong></dd>
-{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
- {ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, you can create front-end links inviting constituents to create personal fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this contribution page.{/ts}
{htxt id="id-pcp_intro_help"}
{ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, constituents will see a link inviting them to create their own fundraising page after making a contribution. Contributions from people who come in through a Personal Campaign Page are recorded as "soft credits" for the supporter who created that campaign page.{/ts}
-{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal}
- {ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br /><br />
- <strong>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$params.pageId`&component=contribute"}</strong></dd>
-{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
- {ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this contribution page.{/ts}
{htxt id="id-approval_needed-title"}
{htxt id="id-link_text"}
{ts}Text for the link inviting constituents to create a Personal Contribution Page. This link will appear on the Contribution Thank-you page as well as on each Personal Campaign Page.{/ts}
-{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal}
- {ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, you can also place additional links (or menu items) inviting constituents to create personal fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br /><br />
- <strong>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$params.pageId`&component=contribute"}</strong></dd>
-{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
- {ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, you can create front-end links inviting constituents to create personal fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this contribution page.{/ts}
<div id="help">
{ts}Allow constituents to create their own personal fundraising pages linked to this contribution page.{/ts} {help id="id-pcp_intro_help"}
-{include file="CRM/PCP/Form/PCP.tpl" context="Contribute"}
\ No newline at end of file
+{include file="CRM/PCP/Form/PCP.tpl" context="contribute"}
\ No newline at end of file
{htxt id="id-pcp_intro_help"}
{ts}Personal Campaign Pages provide your constituents with the ability to promote this event or a related fundraising effort. When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled constituents will see a link after registering for this event which invites them to create their own page to promote the event (or promote a related online contribution page). Event registration fees (or contributions) from people who come in through a Personal Campaign Page are recorded as "soft credits" for the supporter who created that campaign page.{/ts}
-{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal}
- {ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br /><br />
- <strong>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$params.pageId`&component=event"}</strong></dd>
-{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
- {ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this event.{/ts}
{htxt id="id-approval_needed-title"}
{htxt id="id-link_text"}
{ts}Text for the link inviting constituents to create a Personal Campaign Page. This link will appear on the Event registration Thank-you page as well as on each Personal Campaign Page.{/ts}
-{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal}
- {ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, you can also place additional links (or menu items) inviting constituents to create personal campaign pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br /><br />
- <strong>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$params.pageId`&component=event"}</strong></dd>
-{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
- {ts}When Personal Campaign Pages are enabled, you can create front-end links inviting constituents to create personal fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this event.{/ts}
{htxt id="id-target_entity_type-title"}
<div id="help">
{ts}Allow constituents to create their own personal fundraising pages linked to this event.{/ts} {help id="id-pcp_intro_help"}
-{include file="CRM/PCP/Form/PCP.tpl" context="Event"}
\ No newline at end of file
+{include file="CRM/PCP/Form/PCP.tpl" context="event" pageId=`$eventId`}
\ No newline at end of file
<tr class="crm-contribution-contributionpage-pcp-form-block-link_text">
<td class="label">{$form.link_text.label}</td>
- <td>{$form.link_text.html|crmAddClass:huge} {help id="id-link_text"}</td>
+ <td>
+ {$form.link_text.html|crmAddClass:huge} {help id="id-link_text"}<br />
+ <span class="description">
+ {if $config->userSystem->is_drupal || $config->userFramework EQ 'WordPress'}
+ {ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br />
+ <em>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=`$pageId`&component=`$context`"}</em>
+ {elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
+ {ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this event.{/ts}
+ {/if}
+ </span>
+ </td>
<p>{ts}Personal Campaign Pages (PCPs) allow your constituents to create their own fundraising page for your organization. This means that a donor, after donating to your organization, can elect to create a page with her own photo, text, and personal information. She can then send a link to the page to her friends, soliciting support for your organization. This is a powerful way to widely and quickly spread the message about your campaign.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}When someone donates through a personal campaign page, a soft credit is given to the owner of the page to recognize the role she played in the contribution. CiviContribute has a section that allows you to administer all of the PCPs for your organization. You can require approval before a PCP goes 'live', and disable or delete any campaign pages you don't approve of.{/ts} {docURL page="user/contributions/personal-campaign-pages"}</p>
+{if $config->userSystem->is_drupal || $config->userFramework EQ 'WordPress'}
+ {ts}You can also place additional links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the following URL:{/ts}<br />
+ <em>{crmURL a=true p='civicrm/contribute/campaign' q="action=add&reset=1&pageId=<id of contribution page or event>&component=<contribute or event>"}</em>
+{elseif $config->userFramework EQ 'Joomla'}
+ {ts}You can also create front-end links (or menu items) allowing constituents to create their own fundraising pages using the Menu Manager. Select <strong>Contributions » Personal Campaign Pages</strong> and then select this event.{/ts}