require_once 'CiviTest/CiviUnitTestCase.php';
+require_once 'CiviTest/CiviMailUtils.php';
* Test APIv3 civicrm_contribute_recur* functions
'goal_amount' => $this->testAmount,
'is_pay_later' => 1,
'is_monetary' => TRUE,
+ 'is_email_receipt' => TRUE,
+ 'receipt_from_email' => 'yourconscience@donate.com',
+ 'receipt_from_name' => 'Ego Freud',
$this->_priceSetParams = array(
$this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'getsingle', array('contribution_page_id' => $this->_ids['contribution_page']));
+ /**
+ * Test form submission with billing first & last name where the contact does NOT
+ * otherwise have one.
+ */
+ public function testSubmitNewBillingNameData() {
+ $this->setUpContributionPage();
+ $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array('contact_type' => 'Individual', 'email' => 'wonderwoman@amazon.com'));
+ $priceFieldID = reset($this->_ids['price_field']);
+ $priceFieldValueID = reset($this->_ids['price_field_value']);
+ $submitParams = array(
+ 'price_' . $priceFieldID => $priceFieldValueID,
+ 'id' => (int) $this->_ids['contribution_page'],
+ 'amount' => 10,
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Wonder',
+ 'billing_last_name' => 'Woman',
+ 'contactID' => $contact['id'],
+ 'email' => 'wonderwoman@amazon.com',
+ );
+ $this->callAPISuccess('contribution_page', 'submit', $submitParams);
+ $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array(
+ 'id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'return' => array(
+ 'first_name',
+ 'last_name',
+ 'sort_name',
+ 'display_name',
+ ),
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(array(
+ 'first_name' => 'Wonder',
+ 'last_name' => 'Woman',
+ 'display_name' => 'Wonder Woman',
+ 'sort_name' => 'Woman, Wonder',
+ 'id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
+ ), $contact['values'][$contact['id']]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test form submission with billing first & last name where the contact does
+ * otherwise have one and should not be overwritten.
+ */
+ public function testSubmitNewBillingNameDoNotOverwrite() {
+ $this->setUpContributionPage();
+ $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array(
+ 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
+ 'email' => 'wonderwoman@amazon.com',
+ 'first_name' => 'Super',
+ 'last_name' => 'Boy',
+ ));
+ $priceFieldID = reset($this->_ids['price_field']);
+ $priceFieldValueID = reset($this->_ids['price_field_value']);
+ $submitParams = array(
+ 'price_' . $priceFieldID => $priceFieldValueID,
+ 'id' => (int) $this->_ids['contribution_page'],
+ 'amount' => 10,
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Wonder',
+ 'billing_last_name' => 'Woman',
+ 'contactID' => $contact['id'],
+ 'email' => 'wonderwoman@amazon.com',
+ );
+ $this->callAPISuccess('contribution_page', 'submit', $submitParams);
+ $contact = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array(
+ 'id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'return' => array(
+ 'first_name',
+ 'last_name',
+ 'sort_name',
+ 'display_name',
+ ),
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(array(
+ 'first_name' => 'Super',
+ 'last_name' => 'Boy',
+ 'display_name' => 'Super Boy',
+ 'sort_name' => 'Boy, Super',
+ 'id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
+ ), $contact['values'][$contact['id']]);
+ }
* Test submit with a membership block in place.
$this->callAPISuccess('membership_payment', 'getsingle', array('contribution_id' => $contribution['id']));
+ /**
+ * Test submit with a membership block in place.
+ */
+ public function testSubmitMembershipBlockNotSeparatePaymentWithEmail() {
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
+ $this->setUpMembershipContributionPage();
+ $this->addProfile('supporter_profile', $this->_ids['contribution_page']);
+ $submitParams = array(
+ 'price_' . $this->_ids['price_field'][0] => reset($this->_ids['price_field_value']),
+ 'id' => (int) $this->_ids['contribution_page'],
+ 'amount' => 10,
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Billy',
+ 'billing_middle_name' => 'Goat',
+ 'billing_last_name' => 'Gruff',
+ 'selectMembership' => $this->_ids['membership_type'],
+ 'email-Primary' => 'billy-goat@the-bridge.net',
+ );
+ $this->callAPIAndDocument('contribution_page', 'submit', $submitParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'submit contribution page', NULL);
+ $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'getsingle', array('contribution_page_id' => $this->_ids['contribution_page']));
+ $this->callAPISuccess('membership_payment', 'getsingle', array('contribution_id' => $contribution['id']));
+ $mut->checkMailLog(array(
+ 'Membership Type: General',
+ ));
+ $mut->stop();
+ $mut->clearMessages();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test submit with a membership block in place.
+ */
+ public function testSubmitMembershipBlockNotSeparatePaymentZeroDollarsWithEmail() {
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
+ $this->_ids['membership_type'] = array($this->membershipTypeCreate(array('minimum_fee' => 0)));
+ $this->setUpMembershipContributionPage();
+ $this->addProfile('supporter_profile', $this->_ids['contribution_page']);
+ $submitParams = array(
+ 'price_' . $this->_ids['price_field'][0] => reset($this->_ids['price_field_value']),
+ 'id' => (int) $this->_ids['contribution_page'],
+ 'amount' => 0,
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Billy',
+ 'billing_middle_name' => 'Goat',
+ 'billing_last_name' => 'Gruffier',
+ 'selectMembership' => $this->_ids['membership_type'],
+ 'email-Primary' => 'billy-goat@the-new-bridge.net',
+ );
+ $this->callAPIAndDocument('contribution_page', 'submit', $submitParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'submit contribution page', NULL);
+ $contribution = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'getsingle', array('contribution_page_id' => $this->_ids['contribution_page']));
+ $this->callAPISuccess('membership_payment', 'getsingle', array('contribution_id' => $contribution['id']));
+ $mut->checkMailLog(array(
+ 'Membership Type: General',
+ 'Gruffier',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'Amount',
+ )
+ );
+ $mut->stop();
+ $mut->clearMessages();
+ }
* Test submit with a membership block in place.
$this->assertEquals($membership['contact_id'], $contributions['values'][$membershipPayment['contribution_id']]['contact_id']);
+ /**
+ * Test submit with a membership block in place.
+ */
+ public function testSubmitMembershipBlockIsSeparatePaymentWithEmail() {
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
+ $this->setUpMembershipContributionPage(TRUE);
+ $this->addProfile('supporter_profile', $this->_ids['contribution_page']);
+ $submitParams = array(
+ 'price_' . $this->_ids['price_field'][0] => reset($this->_ids['price_field_value']),
+ 'id' => (int) $this->_ids['contribution_page'],
+ 'amount' => 10,
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Billy',
+ 'billing_middle_name' => 'Goat',
+ 'billing_last_name' => 'Gruff',
+ 'selectMembership' => $this->_ids['membership_type'],
+ 'email-Primary' => 'billy-goat@the-bridge.net',
+ );
+ $this->callAPIAndDocument('contribution_page', 'submit', $submitParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'submit contribution page', NULL);
+ $contributions = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', array('contribution_page_id' => $this->_ids['contribution_page']));
+ $this->assertCount(2, $contributions['values']);
+ $membershipPayment = $this->callAPISuccess('membership_payment', 'getsingle', array());
+ $this->assertTrue(in_array($membershipPayment['contribution_id'], array_keys($contributions['values'])));
+ $membership = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('membership', array('id' => $membershipPayment['membership_id']));
+ $this->assertEquals($membership['contact_id'], $contributions['values'][$membershipPayment['contribution_id']]['contact_id']);
+ $mut->checkMailLog(array(
+ 'General Membership: $ 2.00',
+ 'Membership Fee',
+ ));
+ $mut->stop();
+ $mut->clearMessages();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test submit with a membership block in place.
+ */
+ public function testSubmitMembershipBlockIsSeparatePaymentZeroDollarsPayLaterWithEmail() {
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
+ $this->_ids['membership_type'] = array($this->membershipTypeCreate(array('minimum_fee' => 0)));
+ $this->setUpMembershipContributionPage(TRUE);
+ $this->addProfile('supporter_profile', $this->_ids['contribution_page']);
+ $submitParams = array(
+ 'price_' . $this->_ids['price_field'][0] => reset($this->_ids['price_field_value']),
+ 'id' => (int) $this->_ids['contribution_page'],
+ 'amount' => 0,
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Billy',
+ 'billing_middle_name' => 'Goat',
+ 'billing_last_name' => 'Gruffalo',
+ 'selectMembership' => $this->_ids['membership_type'],
+ 'payment_processor_id' => 0,
+ 'email-Primary' => 'gruffalo@the-bridge.net',
+ );
+ $this->callAPIAndDocument('contribution_page', 'submit', $submitParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, 'submit contribution page', NULL);
+ $contributions = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', array('contribution_page_id' => $this->_ids['contribution_page']));
+ $this->assertCount(2, $contributions['values']);
+ $membershipPayment = $this->callAPISuccess('membership_payment', 'getsingle', array());
+ $this->assertTrue(in_array($membershipPayment['contribution_id'], array_keys($contributions['values'])));
+ $membership = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('membership', array('id' => $membershipPayment['membership_id']));
+ $this->assertEquals($membership['contact_id'], $contributions['values'][$membershipPayment['contribution_id']]['contact_id']);
+ $mut->checkMailLog(array(
+ 'Gruffalo',
+ 'General Membership: $ 0.00',
+ 'Membership Fee',
+ ));
+ $mut->stop();
+ $mut->clearMessages();
+ }
* Test submit with a membership block in place.
* Test submit with a membership block in place.
+ *
+ * We are expecting a separate payment for the membership vs the contribution.
public function testSubmitMembershipBlockIsSeparatePaymentPaymentProcessor() {
public function testSubmitMembershipPriceSetPaymentPaymentProcessorRecurInstantPayment() {
$this->params['is_recur'] = 1;
- $var = array();
$this->params['recur_frequency_unit'] = 'month';
$dummyPP = CRM_Core_Payment::singleton('live', $this->_paymentProcessor);
- * The default data set does not include a complete default membership price set - not quite sure why
+ * The default data set does not include a complete default membership price set - not quite sure why.
+ *
* This function ensures it exists & populates $this->_ids with it's data
public function setUpMembershipBlockPriceSet() {
'sequential' => 1,
$this->_ids['price_field'][] = $priceField['id'];
foreach ($this->_ids['membership_type'] as $membershipTypeID) {
$priceFieldValue = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field_value', 'create', array(
'name' => 'membership_amount',
+ /**
+ * Add text field other amount to the price set.
+ */
+ public function addOtherAmountFieldToMembershipPriceSet() {
+ $this->_ids['price_field']['other_amount'] = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field', 'create', array(
+ 'price_set_id' => reset($this->_ids['price_set']),
+ 'name' => 'other_amount',
+ 'label' => 'Other Amount',
+ 'html_type' => 'Text',
+ 'format.only_id' => TRUE,
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ ));
+ $this->_ids['price_field_value']['other_amount'] = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field_value', 'create', array(
+ 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation',
+ 'format.only_id' => TRUE,
+ 'label' => 'Other Amount',
+ 'amount' => 1,
+ 'price_field_id' => $this->_ids['price_field']['other_amount'],
+ ));
+ }
* Help function to set up contribution page with some defaults.
+ /**
+ * Create a payment processor instance.
+ */
+ protected function setupPaymentProcessor() {
+ $this->params['payment_processor_id'] = $this->_ids['payment_processor'] = $this->paymentProcessorCreate(array(
+ 'payment_processor_type_id' => 'Dummy',
+ 'class_name' => 'Payment_Dummy',
+ 'billing_mode' => 1,
+ ));
+ $this->_paymentProcessor = $this->callAPISuccess('payment_processor', 'getsingle', array('id' => $this->params['payment_processor_id']));
+ }