$this->assign('registerSite', htmlspecialchars('https://civicrm.org/register-your-site?src=iam&sid=' . CRM_Utils_System::getSiteID()));
+ //Provide ability to optionally display some component checklist items when components are on
+ $result = civicrm_api3('Setting', 'get', [
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ 'return' => ["enable_components"],
+ ]);
+ $enabled = array();
+ foreach ($result['values'][0]['enable_components'] as $component) {
+ $enabled[$component] = 1;
+ }
+ $this->assign('enabledComponents', $enabled);
return parent::run();
<td class="tasklist"><a href="{$config->userFrameworkBaseURL}?q=admin/user/permissions&civicrmDestination=civicrm/admin/configtask">{ts}Permissions for Anonymous Users{/ts}</a></td>
- <td>{ts}You will also need to change Drupal permissions so anonymous users can make contributions, register for events and / or use profiles to enter contact information.{/ts} {docURL page="Default Permissions and Roles" resource="wiki"}</td>
+ <td>{ts}You will also need to change Drupal permissions so anonymous users can make contributions, register for events and / or use profiles to enter contact information.{/ts} {docURL page="user/en/latest/initial-set-up/permissions-and-access-control" text="(learn more...)"}</td>
- <tr class="even">
- <td class="tasklist nowrap"><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/messageTemplates" q="selectedChild=workflow&reset=1&civicrmDestination=`$destination`"}" title="{$linkTitle|escape}">{ts}System Workflow Templates{/ts}</a></td>
- <td>{ts}Review and modify the templates used for system-generated emails, including contribution receipts and event registration confirmations.{/ts}</td>
- </tr>
+ {if $enabledComponents.CiviContribute eq 1}
+ <tr class="even">
+ <td class="tasklist nowrap"><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/contribute" q="selectedChild=workflow&reset=1&civicrmDestination=`$destination`"}" title="{$linkTitle|escape}">{ts}CiviContribute Component Settings{/ts}</a></td>
+ <td>{ts}Review and modify the CiviContribute Component settings such as Taxes and Invoicing, Deferred Revenue, and Access Control by Financial Type{/ts}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
<br />