+ /**
+ * Test to create and update payment method with financial account.
+ */
+ public function testCreateUpdateOptionValueForPaymentInstrument() {
+ $assetFinancialAccountId = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('FinancialAccount', [
+ 'return' => "id",
+ 'financial_account_type_id' => "Asset",
+ 'options' => ['limit' => 1],
+ ]);
+ // create new payment method with financial account
+ $ov = $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'create', [
+ 'financial_account_id' => $assetFinancialAccountId,
+ 'option_group_id' => "payment_instrument",
+ 'label' => "Dummy Payment Method",
+ ]);
+ //check if relationship is created between Payment method and Financial Account
+ $this->checkPaymentMethodFinancialAccountRelationship($ov['id'], $assetFinancialAccountId);
+ // update payment method to have different non-asset financial Account
+ $nonAssetFinancialAccountId = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('FinancialAccount', [
+ 'return' => "id",
+ 'financial_account_type_id' => ['NOT IN' => ["Asset"]],
+ 'options' => ['limit' => 1],
+ ]);
+ try {
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'create', [
+ 'financial_account_id' => $nonAssetFinancialAccountId,
+ 'id' => $ov['id'],
+ ]);
+ throw new API_Exception(ts('Should throw error.'));
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ try {
+ $assetAccountRelValue = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('EntityFinancialAccount', [
+ 'return' => "account_relationship",
+ 'entity_table' => "civicrm_option_value",
+ 'entity_id' => $ov['id'],
+ 'financial_account_id' => $nonAssetFinancialAccountId,
+ ]);
+ throw new API_Exception(ts('Should throw error.'));
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->checkPaymentMethodFinancialAccountRelationship($ov['id'], $assetFinancialAccountId);
+ }
+ }
+ // update payment method to have different asset financial Account
+ $assetFinancialAccountId = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('FinancialAccount', [
+ 'return' => "id",
+ 'financial_account_type_id' => "Asset",
+ 'options' => ['limit' => 1],
+ 'id' => ['NOT IN' => [$assetFinancialAccountId]],
+ ]);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'create', [
+ 'financial_account_id' => $assetFinancialAccountId,
+ 'id' => $ov['id'],
+ ]);
+ //check if relationship is updated between Payment method and Financial Account
+ $this->checkPaymentMethodFinancialAccountRelationship($ov['id'], $assetFinancialAccountId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to check relationship between FA and Payment method.
+ *
+ * @param int $paymentMethodId
+ * @param int $financialAccountId
+ */
+ protected function checkPaymentMethodFinancialAccountRelationship($paymentMethodId, $financialAccountId) {
+ $assetAccountRelValue = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('EntityFinancialAccount', [
+ 'return' => "account_relationship",
+ 'entity_table' => "civicrm_option_value",
+ 'entity_id' => $paymentMethodId,
+ 'financial_account_id' => $financialAccountId,
+ ]);
+ $checkAssetAccountIs = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('OptionValue', [
+ 'return' => "id",
+ 'option_group_id' => "account_relationship",
+ 'name' => "Asset Account is",
+ 'value' => $assetAccountRelValue,
+ ]);
+ }