$communicationLanguage = \Civi\Core\Locale::detect()->nominal;
- if ($communicationLanguage === Civi::settings()->get('lcMessages')) {
+ if (!$communicationLanguage || !self::isTranslate($communicationLanguage)) {
+ /**
+ * Should the translation process be followed.
+ *
+ * It can be short-circuited if there we are in the site default language and
+ * it is not translated.
+ *
+ * @param string $communicationLanguage
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected static function isTranslate(string $communicationLanguage): bool {
+ if ($communicationLanguage !== Civi::settings()->get('lcMessages')) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!isset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['translate_main'][$communicationLanguage])) {
+ // The code had an assumption that you would not translate the primary language.
+ // However, the UI is such that the features (approval flow) so it makes sense
+ // to translation the default site language as well. If we can see sites are
+ // doing this then let's treat the main locale like any other locale
+ \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['translate_main'] = (bool) CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery(
+ 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM civicrm_translation WHERE language = %1 LIMIT 1', [
+ 1 => [$communicationLanguage, 'String'],
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ return \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['translate_main'];
+ }
* @param \Civi\Api4\Generic\AbstractAction $apiRequest
* @return array translated fields.
$allTemplates['fr_CA'] = ['subject' => 'Bonjour Canada', 'html' => 'Voila! Canada', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
$allTemplates['es_PR'] = ['subject' => 'Buenos dias', 'html' => 'Listo', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
$allTemplates['th_TH'] = ['subject' => 'สวัสดี', 'html' => 'ดังนั้น', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
+ // en_US is the default language. We add it to ensure the translation is loaded rather than falling back to
+ // the message template. While it might seem you don't need a translation for the site default language
+ // all the draft & approval logic is attached to the translation, not the template.
+ $allTemplates['en_US'] = ['subject' => 'site default', 'html' => 'site default language', 'text' => '{contribution.total_amount}'];
$rendered = [];
// $rendered['*'] = ['subject' => 'Hello', 'html' => 'Look there!', 'text' => '$ 100.00'];
$rendered['fr_CA'] = ['subject' => 'Bonjour Canada', 'html' => 'Voila! Canada', 'text' => '100,00 $ US'];
$rendered['es_PR'] = ['subject' => 'Buenos dias', 'html' => 'Listo', 'text' => '100.00 $US'];
$rendered['th_TH'] = ['subject' => 'สวัสดี', 'html' => 'ดังนั้น', 'text' => 'US$100.00'];
+ $rendered['en_US'] = ['subject' => 'site default', 'html' => 'site default language', 'text' => '$100.00'];
$result = [/* settings, templates, preferredLanguage, expectMessage */];
$result['fr_CA falls back to fr_FR (ltd-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $this->getLocaleTemplates($allTemplates, ['*', 'fr_FR']), 'fr_CA', $rendered['fr_FR']];
$result['th_TH matches th_TH (all-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $allTemplates, 'th_TH', $rendered['th_TH']];
- $result['th_TH falls back to system default (all-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $allTemplates, 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
+ $result['th_TH falls back to site default translation (all-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $allTemplates, 'th_TH', $rendered['en_US']];
+ // Absent a translation for the site default language it should fall back to the message template.
+ $result['th_TH falls back to system default (all-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, array_diff_key($allTemplates, ['en_US' => TRUE]), 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
// ^^ The essence of the `partial_locales` setting -- whether partially-supported locales (th_TH) use mixed-mode or fallback to completely diff locale.
$result['th_TH falls back to system default (ltd-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $this->getLocaleTemplates($allTemplates, ['*']), 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
$result['th_TH falls back to system default (ltd-tpls; no-partials)'] = [$noPartials, $this->getLocaleTemplates($allTemplates, ['*']), 'th_TH', $rendered['*']];
+ // Check that the en_US template is loaded, if exists.
+ $result['en_US matches en_US (all-tpls; yes-partials)'] = [$yesPartials, $allTemplates, 'en_US', $rendered['en_US']];
return $result;