CRM_Core_BAO_Note::add($noteParams, []);
- if (isset($params['related_contact'])) {
- $contactID = $params['related_contact'];
- }
- elseif (isset($params['cms_contactID'])) {
- $contactID = $params['cms_contactID'];
- }
//create contribution activity w/ individual and target
//activity w/ organisation contact id when onbelf, CRM-4027
$actParams = [];
- // CRM-13074 - create the CMSUser after the transaction is completed as it
- // is not appropriate to delete a valid contribution if a user create problem occurs
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils::createCMSUser($params,
- $contactID,
- 'email-' . $billingLocationID
- );
return $contribution;
$form->set('membership_amount', $minimumFee);
$form->assign('membership_amount', $minimumFee);
- // we don't need to create the user twice, so lets disable cms_create_account
- // irrespective of the value, CRM-2888
- $tempParams['cms_create_account'] = 0;
//set this variable as we are not creating pledge for
//separate membership payment contribution.
//so for differentiating membership contribution from
+ // CRM-13074 - create the CMSUser after the transaction is completed as it
+ // is not appropriate to delete a valid contribution if a user create problem occurs
+ if (isset($params['related_contact'])) {
+ $contactID = $params['related_contact'];
+ }
+ elseif (isset($params['cms_contactID'])) {
+ $contactID = $params['cms_contactID'];
+ }
+ CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils::createCMSUser($params,
+ $contactID,
+ 'email-' . $form->_bltID
+ );
$paymentParams['item_name'] = $form->_params['description'];